Chapter 11: Lucky Once Again

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                                                           BROOKES P.O.V
       I texted Noah and Audrey as soon as I got to the hospital. The doctor took me in to she her.
"How is she doing" I asked and the doctor gave me a big smile.
"She was very lucky. Hardly any damage. It was just a little cut, we gave her stitches ans she is free to go." He said before leaving my side. I was about to walk in but Sarah walked out. She looked at me and gave me a hug, which obviously I hugged her back.
"How are you doing princess?"
She smiled a bit "great actually."
Audrey and Noah came running down the hall and stopped when they seen Sarah and I.
"I'm glad you're okay" Noah said
"Babe, you alright ? Are you okayb I'm so sorry" Audrey gave her a hug but she didn't seem to hug back and I knew why. Audrey wasn't with Sarah obviously she had left her alone at her house, again.
"Audrey she's fine but you left her alone again and the killer stabbed her again. It's a meriacle how lucky she is but do you just not get the killers hint already. The rest of us gets it." I said in a bitchy sassy and annoyed attitude . Audrey just looked at me shocked and nodded not knowing what to say.
A few minutes later Noah left to go see Zoe, apparently they had a date planned. Who would of thought.
"So um, Audrey, Sarah, I want you both to come with me somewheres."
They both looked at me suspiciously.
"And where would that be?" Audrey asked.
"A certain hotel room..." My voice trailing off. Audrey raised a brow.
"Brooke...Explain" Audrey said slowly.
"Well...I kinda went all badass on Mr Branson."
Audrey seem surprised and I continued.
"I handcuffed him to the bed"
"BROOKE you what!!??" Audrey said and Sarahs eyes were wide.
"Shhh keep it down. I thought maybe he killed Jake but could you guys come with me to see if he's still there?" They both nodded and soon enough we were on our way to the hotel room.

                                                       AUDREYS P.O.V
             Brooke was driving us to the hotel. Man I never thought she had it in her to handcuff Branson and to just leave him there. Brave much! I was in the backseat and Sarah was in the front with Brooke. She seemed distant from me which made me upset and depressed but I didn't blame her. I shouldn't of left her. It was my fault she got hurt and obviously she knew it, hell everyone knew it.
         We arrived and Sarah was first out of the car as she slammed the door shut. Brooke turned around to look at me, giving me a sad look before she got out. I was out last and I tried to grab Sarahs hand but she wouldn't allow it. I let out a loud sigh and followed her and Brooke inside. Once we got to the room Brooke slowly unlocked the door and walked in. Boom. Emptiness. Brooke looked shocked and confused as she looked around the room to see how clean it was and Mr.Branson nowheres to be found. Her things were on the bed. As she grabbed them she mumbled "unbelievable " under her breathe before walking out. Sarah followed her and I followed Sarah.
        We were now at Brookes house. She was pacing around the room waiting for Branson to send her a message. Sarah was laying on Brookes bed asleep. Wow, she looked so beautiful. I was deep in thought when Brooke interrupted my thoughts.
"He wants me to meet him at the school." She said grabbing her things. I walked over to Sarah, carefully shaking her to wake her up. She looked at me, not saying anything, not even a smile which broke my heart. Whe was really upset at me. She got up and followed Brooke to her vehicle and I followed with a few tears falling from my face. I wiped them off before either of them could see.

                                                            SARAHS P.O.V
      I felt terrible for not talking to Audrey and refusing to hold her hand or anything. I was still upset from her leaving me, saying I was safe and then getting stabbed for the second time. I just needed a bit to think about things. Maybe I needed a break, even though part of me doesn't want to but still the other part of me does.
       We arrived at the school and I really had a bad feeling about this. Brooke and I stepped out at the same time and as we were about to walk in Audrey stopped us.
"Let me go in first, just to be safe." She said to us. I said nothing but Brooke didn't want to wait but somehow Audrey convinced her otherwise but I was too zoned out so I wasn't paying attention as to what Audrey was saying. It was obvious she was staring at me as if she was waiting for me to say something but I had nothing to say and I wasn't going to make eye contact with her eithher. Without another word she hurried inside. Brooke looked at me.
"Your girlfriend is so weird at times." She seemed a bit annoyed.
"Yeah" was all I could say.
"Are you okay hunny?"
I looked at her and smiled. "Yes but lets go inside."
She looked at me thinking before she spoke. "But Audrey said"
I cut her off. "I know what she said but it's boring out here ans it might not even be safe. Besides I'm kinda feeling like a bad ass so why don't we go inside."
She gave me a smirk. "I love you more each day" she said as we made our way inside.
     The doors slammed shut behind us making us jump a little bit.
"Well that's not creepy at all" Brooke said. We came around a cornor and there was Audrey standing there looking at a body on the floor with our janitor kneeling beside her.
"Oh my god Ms. lang. Audrey call the ambulance "
Audrey spoke fast "I told you guys to wait outside. He already called someone" she turned and looked at me. This time I actually made eye contact.
"I told you to stay outside" she said to me.
"Oh please, you've told me you wouldn't leave me alone at your house but ya did anyways."
That seemed to shut her up, for a moment at least.
"Sarah I.."
I immediately cut her off. "Save it Audrey. I'm done, I need a break for now at least. Just leave me alone."
With that I ran outside. I heard Audrey calling my name and I couldn't tell if she was following me or not but I just kept running. I didn't know where I was going to go but I had to stay with someone, away from Audrey just for a little bit.

                                                       AUDREYS P.O.V
    Tears fell from my face. I fucking ruined everything. She's gone and there is no way she would take me back. I need Noah, I needed to talk to him. I told Brooke that I had to go and if she would be okay with that, which she was. I took a taxi to Noahs house because I had left my hair at mine, as Brooke was the one who drove us here.
   Once I got to Noahs I headed inside quickly home to walk in on him and Zoe in his room. I immediately looked away.
"Oh no, oh god no uh, Noah I need to talk to you."
"What? Right now? No no no you leave, Zoe stays."
I just nodded, still looking away. I heard Zoe say something then she left. I closed the door.
"Someone better be dead" he said annoyed. I gave him a look and worry passed across his face. I told him what happened to miss Lang then I told him what happened between Sarah and I and how heartbroken I am about it. He comforted me as I was crying so much. He rubbed my back and told me that everything will be okay and that Sarah will come back because he knew that she really loves me just as much as I love her.

                                                       SARAHS P.O.V
     Emma said I could stay at her house for a while as I explained everything that had happened today in a text. She told me her and Eli were going to a place but that I could tag along, that she and Eli wouldn't mind at all. I couldn't stop thinking about Audrey, I really do love her so much I just needed some space. Maybe a day or two, that's all.
    Once I got to Emmas house we left almost instantly. One the way there Emma was telling me about how cute Audrey and I are together and that she hadn't seen Audrey so happy. She apparently had never been this happy before, not even with Rachel. We got to the place and Eli was already there. You could tell he was surprised to see me.
"Hey, never in a million years did I think you would come hangout with me." Eli said to me.
"I tagged along with Emma but yeah I guess you are lucky" I said kinda in a bitchy tone.
We went inside and sat down. It was dark. Eli started to place a small dinner but I simply wasn't hungry and there was no way I was going to eat anything Eli had made or brought with him. After a few minutes I smelled smoke, which was odd because there was no fire anywheres in sight,
"Hey do you guys smell smoke?"
They both looked around.
"I'll be righht back" Eli said as he left the room. He came back a few seconds later.
"Come on, we need to get out of here. Someone set the house on fire"
"Oh my god" Emma and I said at the same time as we rushed outside. I fell on the ground struggling to breathe from the smoke I had inhaled. I stood up slowly and looked at Emma and Eli.
Emma yelled my name but I felt dizzy. Eli started running towards me yelling "Sarah watch out. Move out of the way. Hurry. Run"
I turned to my side. I never noticed I was on a road. I seen a car coming right for me but before I got the chance to move it strucked me. My body flew up in the air, everything was in slow motion. I hit the ground hard ss instant pain strucked my body and even though I didn't want to close my eyes for far asleep it was hard to stop myself as everything went to complete darkness.

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