Chapter One: Welcome to Lakewood

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I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. Annoyed, I rolled out of bed and looked through my closet for something to wear. Today is my first day at school here in Lakewood. I'm actually quite excited but nervous at the same time. I'm not good at making new friends. "Honey don't forget you have school today. I have to leave now for work but I should be home for supper. Love you." I heard my mother yell from downstairs. "Okay love you too!" I heard the door close so I knew she had left. I threw on a black pair of leggings, a blue tank top with a random hoodie. I straightened my hair, brushed my teeth, grabbed the car keys and head to school.
People were constantly staring at me as I walked into the school. I guess that was normal considering I'm new and all. I noticed everyone's attention left me and focused on a girl with black hair with a black leather jacket and tight jeans. I heard whispering but I ignored it and pulled out my class scedule. English. Great! As I was heading to class I bumped into someone and I fell flat on my ass. "Fuck"!! I mumbled. "I am so sorry, this is my fault. Are you alright?" The guy offered his hand and I took it and he helped me to my feet. "I'm okay. It's okay, thank you for helping me." "It's not a problem. My name's Noah by the way. You must be new, haven't seen you around here before." I laugh a little. "Yeah I'm new. My name's Sarah. Just moved here to Lakewood." I gave him a warm smile. "Ahh welcome to Lakewood or as we now call it murderville but hey thst doesn't matter right now. That was in the past. I've gotta head to class but here's my number" he says as he offeres to take my phone for a minute. I didn't refused and allowed him to as he plugged his number in and handed it back. "See ya around" he said as he headed off to class. I sighed and headed to English.
English went by quick and no one talked to me which I was actually okay with. After school I was heading to my car when Noah appeared out of nowheres with a few friends. I felt nervous a bit but said "hey" to all of them. He introduced me to Emma, her boyfriend Kieran, Brooke, Zoe and the girl from earlier whose name is Audrey. They seemed friendly and we all gave each other our numbers to keep in contact. I felt great making new friends already. I just hope it goes well. As everyone turned to leave I unlocked my car but as I was about to get in a heard someone say hey. I turned to see Audrey standing there. I didn't know what to do or say so I just smiled and waited for her to continue. "Noah said you're new here? He's my best friend, he tells me everything" she kinda laughed a bit. I nodded "yeah I'm new here" I say nervously. She smiled "I have a late shift tonight at the cinema but maybe you and Noah could come meet me there after my shift and the three of us can do something?" I gave her a warm smile. "Yes definitely. I'll text Noah and we'll see you tonight." "Great, I'll see you then" and with that she left. I got into my car and sent Noah a text. He agreed and offered to pick me up at 10:30 to go meet her.
Mom wasn't home when I arrived which I wasn't expecting her to be. I made some pizza to have for supper and layed in bed watching TV until Noah arrived. I grabbed my bag and head to his car. Once I got in I instantly thanked him for picking me up. He said it wasn't a problem and that he was glad the three of us could hangout as he wanted to be friends with me too. I was happy by the fact he wanted to be friends and that I had already made a few friends today. We arrived at the cinema. It looked quite empty and no sight of Audrey anywheres as we arrived to the door. Noah seemed to have a panic look as he started calling out her name and banging on the window. My attention immediately went to Audrey. I spotted a person wearing a mask and holding a knife towarss Audrey. I got out my phone and dialled 911 immediately as I panicked. "Hello 911 what is your emergency " I looked at Noah before speaking, my whole body shaking. "Yes, there is a person wearing a mask and holding a knife to my friend at the cinema. I think he is trying to hurt her please send help me" At this point I was in tears and scared out of my mind. "We are sending help on the way. Please remain calm." I turned my attention back to Audrey as I seen her stab the guy with the mask. I froze and looked at Noah then back to Audrey to only find her staring back at me.
The police and ambulance arrived taking the man away. "is he going to be okay?" I heard Audrey ask as Noah was holding her close to him. The police officer said that he will be fine. Some girl beside him said "So she now gets a license to kill just because she shot Piper. Unbelievable ". She walked away. Who was piper? Did Audrey actually kill someone? Oh no, what have I gotten myself into.

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