Chapter Four: Unexpected

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                                              AUDREY'S P.O.V
        All I have been doing is thinking about Sarah. The killer set me up bad. She said she believed me but I didn't know if she truely did or she was just saying that. Ugh I fucking hate that sycho. Laying here I began to wonder what my feelings towards Sarah were. I think I am falling for her and this fast? She must be really special as I never fell for someone this fast before. Sarah hasnt texted me yet. Either she is pissed at me and doesn't want to talk or she just simply isn't awake yet. I decided to get ready and go to Noahs. I sent him a quick text before leaving. A few minutes later he replied saying he would see me soon and that he is awake and working on the murder board to try and figure out who Pipers accomplished is.
        I arrived at Noahs. Before entering I decided to send Sarah a text. "Hey, I hope you're not mad at me or anything, i was honestly set up. I was going to tell you when I got back but the killer sent you that GIF before I got the chance to. I really hope you come back over my house tonight so I can take care of you and so we can talk. I hope you're okay, message me when you get this" I took a deep breath before hitting send. I walked inside Noahs house and went straight to his room. I didn't bother knocking as I never did before and he never seemed to mind me just walking right in. "Hey Noah" he looked maybe a bit too excited to see me."Audrey hey!! How's Sarah doing?" I sighed. "She's doing okay really but...I need to talk to you about something if you are okay with that.?" He looked interested. "Yes, always. Bi-curious and the virgin always talks to each other about everything right?" You could tell the excitement in his voice. I smiled and laughed. "Yes always!!! Well..I think I have feelings for Sarah." A smiled creeped across his face , "Holy frack I knew it!! Why haven't you made the move yet?" I shrugged. "What if she's not into me or into girls for that matter. I could ruin our whole friendship Noah. " he thought for a moment before speaking "Just try it, if somethig happens I will explain everything to her myself. Just so you guys don't lose your friendship."
"Thanks Noah, I guess I can give it a shot." I smiled feeling kinda excited about this.
"Do it, she might even like you too. Never know until you try." I nodded. He had a point. A couple minutes later my phone buzzed as I received a message from Sarah saying "Yeah I will stay the night at your house. I will need a ride though if you don't mind picking me up.!?
"I don't mind at all, be there in a couple hours." I hit send then looked at Noah smiling like an idiot. He looked at me smirking waiting for me to tell him what is going on. "She's staying the night at my house. It will be the perfect opportunity to show her I really like her a lot and maybe do something special for her."
"Yes do it, that would be great" he gave me a wink "go bi-curious ".
I chuckled and thought to myself, I really hope she feels the same way.

I guess I believe Audrey didn't kill that guy. I didn't know who he was but I'm sure Audrey wouldn't do such a thing. She wants me to go over to her house tonight and stay the night which I didn't deny. Mom was working a night shift and I don't want to be in a house alone again, I'm still quite terrified. In all honesty I miss Audrey, a lot actually. There's just something about her that makes me feel safe and...well happy. Maybe too happy? I get all these feelings when she's around, good feelings to be exact. I packed all my stuff and headed downstairs. "Audrey is going to pick me up and I'm staying at her house for tonight."
"That's good hunny, I really don't want you alone after what happened. You should stay at Audreys for a bit. I'm working nights almost every night this week and I want you safe.."
I nodded and gave my mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek as Audrey honked the horn. "I will keep in touch. Love you mom"
"Love you too sweetie"
I gave her a smile before walking out the door. I got in the car and at first neither of us said anything until Audrey decided to break the silence. "How are you feeling?" I wasn't exactly sure how I felt. "I feel alright. Not sore or anything." She just nodded , focused on the road. I took a deep breath and sighed "I believe you. I know you wouldn't kill somebody and I am confident you wouldn't do that. Do you know who it was?" She licked her lips and it took her a moment before responding, as if she wasn't sure weather to say who it was or not. "It was Jake!" I looked at her shocked. Jake was Brookes boyfriend. "Does Brooke.." i was cut off by Audrey. "No no she doesn't. Not yet but we can't tell her yet okay.?" I nodded agreeing.
We got to her house, grabbed a few snacks, a couple sodas then headed to her room. We both took a seat on her bed. She put on a random show on TV, I didn't know what it was but I was interested. "I won't leave the house again or go anywheres like that, I will stay by your side." That caught me off guard but I gave her a smile.
She was staring into my eyes and I couldn't help but stare back into hers. I felt a spark rush through my body like electricity. She started to lean in and I found myself doing the same. Our lips were about to touch when both of our phones went off. Someone was trying to video chat with us. We both looked at our phones then at each other. It was the killer. We both looked sceptical about this but at the same time we both accepted the request. It showed Emma, she was in an hotel room looking through what appears to be photos. "OMG it's Emma, the killer has Emma. Audrey we need to go find her and save her."
"Lets go now, come on"
We rushed to the car and as soon as Audrey started the engine we both received a message saying "no cops". Audrey completely ignored that and picked up the phone. "Audrey he said no cops. What if he finds out and he kills Emma.?"
"He's not going to kill her"
I just went along with it and let her call the cops. As she was talking to the cops I zoned out completely. Audrey set her phone down and she looked like she was scared shitless. Honestly so was I.
We got there and rushed over to Emma who was walking towards a man who appeared to be drunk and was punching a guys face in.
"Stop. Dad. What the hell are you doing. Leave the guy alone."
Audrey and I looked at each other then at the cop cars that were heading this way. One officer got out. "Did somebody call the cops here.?"
Audrey raised her hand "I did, it looked like a pretty bad fight."
Emma looked at Audrey.
"I'm sorry Em, I didn't know it was your dad."
Emma shrugged "it's okay, really. Thanks"
Audrey seemed to be abit confused but she just smiled at her. Emma asked if I was okay and I told her I was. She had left so it was just Audrey and I.
    Audrey didn't say much on the way home. She seemed to be thinking pretty hard. She stopped the car once we arrived to her place but she didn't move. I looked at her and she looked back at me. She was really staring at me so I slowly took my seatbelt off and she did the same. She use her right hand to reach out and touched the side of my face. Instant butterflies attacked in my stomach. She leaned in and kissed me.
      Butterflies were throughout my body. The kiss felt amazing, too amazing, so amazing. It felt so right. She deepended the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me. She bit my bottom lip which made me moan a little. She ran her tongue against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a bit for enterance. She explored my mouth, I was enjoying this as much as she was. She pulled away and stared into my eyes for a moment. I followed her inside and to her bed. We layed down. She kissed me again, not with lust but with passion. I knew she didn't want to rush things to the next step and neither do I. She slowly leaned in again kissing me gently then she kissed my forehead.
"I love you!"
Those three words made me melt. She loves me and the best part is, I feel the same way towards her.
"I love you too!" I say smiling almost in tears. She looked just as happy as I am.
"Does this mean we are dating now"
She smirked "That's what I want it to be, is that what you want?"
"Yes" I say without hesitation. She smiled and kissed me one last time before holding me close to her and cuddling to sleep.
I am dating Audrey Jensen. I am in love with her. I can't believe this is happening but I must say I am beyond happy.

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