ch 8: Deal

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Apollo stood expectantly in front of his younger half brother.

"That's a lot of work for a god that is always caught up in pleasure," Hermes said skeptically.

"I just want to keep them apart is all," Apollo said, whining in a childish manner. "She doesn't need anyone anyway. No one but me."

Hermes shook his head. "It sounds fun," Apollo's face lit up, "but it makes me feel a bit wary. Your sister can be, well, scary. I'm not sure that I want to be in the path of her wrath." Apollo's face dropped.

Hermes snickered. "I'll make a deal with you. If everything goes fine, we don't get caught, and Artemis is none the wiser, you'll owe me a favor. No guarantees on the size of the favor though. But, if she catches us and I get shot at, glared at, or lectured, you owe me your lyre."

Apollo bit his lip slowly and thoughtfully. Owing a god was dangerous. But Hermes was usually and easy bet. The chances of Artemis figuring out the plan were supposed to be small, but unpredictable things happen all the time. On the other hand, Apollo loved his lyre. It held a part of his soul, literally. Apollo desperately needed Hermes in order for everything to go smoothly.

Apollo's lips parted in an unpleasant smile. "We have a deal."

A/N I knoww this chapter is short but I really didn't know how to make it longer without damaging it's importance, so, sorry.

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