chapter 2

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I woke up and did what everybody did when they woke up: brushed my teeth, took a shower and eat breakfast. Then I went around the castle and it was big and I made sure that all the maids and guards had good rooms and eat good. I went down to the dungeons and see what was new.

"what is new,  guards?"

"the is a woman and we don't know what is her deal Is and she won't talk."the left guard said.

"okay I will handle her."

I walk in and saw a woman in her mid 20's and she had blonde hair with  light blue eyes. Her cloths were torn and she look like she has been beat up.

"hello there, I am katrina the queen of this castle."

"hi I am Elizabeth, why am I here?" she said.

"well first you have to tell me what happen and I may can help you."

"okay first I want to know if I was true that we had a queen that was ruling without a king and I brought I peace offering right over there." and she pointed where her peace offering was at. "once I arrived at the gate, I said that I wanted to see the queen, so I though that they would let me in but they said they will check with the queen first and I waited but then I was jumped but two men when the guards came around because they must of heard it and saw two men on top of me, the guards tried to attack the men and they ran away,they pick me up and set me in here." she explained.

 I walked over to her and picked her. I start to walk to a room and went inside. "wow you are strong." she said.

"well I am a vampire."

"oh, sorry."

"why are you saying that you are sorry, I am going to say something very disappointing but you will get a room and food."

"what is it?" she asked.

"you are going to be my personal maid."

"as long as you give me food and a room okay."

"you will have this room and I will tell you the rules."

"one you will have breakfast and dinner with us and sometimes have lunch with me, two you will listen to everything I say well not everything but still and don't be scared to ask where is something because we are here to help, four I will drink your blood but don't be scared because it is only I pinch but only when I need to and last be not least you don't listen you will undress the whole three days if you don't listen, got it."

"yes mam'" she said.

"and please call me katrina and dinner is done so come on."

"but what about me?" she asked.

"you can clean up after dinner."

"okay."she said quietly.

we arrived at the dinner hall and sat down to eat. I stood up and said"everyone meet elizabeth she will be the new maid and help her tomorrow around the castle and also it made personal maid tomorrow I want rosa to have lunch with me understood?" all nod the heads.

"are you finished"

"yes katrina." everybody said.

"ok you are dismissed."

Everybody got up to our dishes to the kitchen and I started to walk when someone tugged on my shirt. I turned around and the find elizabeth there.  

"are you okay."

"yeah just a little scared." she said

"okay I will walk you to your room in a minute first I have to talk to some guards. Okay?"

she nodded her head. I walk over to the guards that help lizzy and said"i want to thank you for helping elizabeth you will be rewarded what do you want?"

"nothing miss." they both said.

"are you sure?"

They both nodded their heads.

"i want you two to find the dudes that hurt elizabeth and put them in my dungeon got it?"

They nodded the head and went to bed. I walk over to elizabeth and poked her and she jumped a little and turned around and smiled.

"ready to go?"

"yep."said said and smiled.

We start to walk to our rooms and she asked me how old I was.

"i am 16 years in human and in vampire years 176 years old."

Here eyes widen and I chucked. We reached the room and I said ''the maids get up at 7:30 but you get up at 8:30 and I expect you to be ready to have breakfast got it?"

"yes katrina." and she walked away. I went to my bedroom and went to bed.

vampire queen and human maidWhere stories live. Discover now