bad night out

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Slowly adjusting to Beacon hills life was getting... was I would put well interesting. My family that I haven't seen nor talked to in years is here then the town's obsession with lacrosse lets talk about the people some are off than others.

Today;s interesting matter was in the parking lot where the busses were, one particular that was beaten up the back door barely hanging on and the blood splattered. The whole thing looked like it came out of the horror movies Cole is always watching.

"so where are you guys gonna go?" I asked Allison as we walked down the halls of the school

"I don't know yet" she said I rolled my eyes as she smiled excited about her night out with Scott tomorrow

"movies? dinner? park? carinival?"

"geez so many questions sure your not thinking off your dream date?" she said opening her locker grabbing her books quickly as I did the same

"yeah right with who? Liam Hemsworth?" I asked

"no I bet you'd like Stiles instead" she said which made me stop in my tracks crazy cousin say what?

"why-why would you say that?" I asked frazzled followed her

"cause the way you ogle him at practice" she teased

"I do not you are dialusional woman need eyes checked" I said looking back at her she gave me this face as we walked down the hall

"maybe you can double date with Scott and me" she said

"yeah if there was a date to even have" I said looking down at my cell

"you don't know if you don't-" her sentence got cut short as she ran into someone I looked up to see that person was Scott

"you scared the hell out of me" she said with huge smile on her face crouch down to pick up her things

"your okay?" he said I don't think toward anyone really he looked relieved.... odd

"once my hearts starts beating again" she said as he help her get her thinks I looked toward Stiles who was behind Scott looking awkward as hell the both of us.

"and.. exit stage right" I said walking away from Scott and Allison as did Stiles who was now following me

"hey" he said

"hey yourself" I replied back not really knowing what to say I mean what should I say? gosh why was I so lost for words with this one but before we could say anything else we heard the P.A. system go off.

"attention, students this is your principle speaking I know you're all wondering about the incident that occoured last night to one of our school buses while the police work to determine what happened classes will proceed as scheduled thank you"

I turned to look at Stiles "well that stinks I was hoping to get out of gym today" I said

"I was just trying to avoid Mr. Harris at like all cost" Stiles said I laughed at him'

"yeah he seems to really not like you" I said

"yeah was like that last year too has it out for me" he said as we continued to walk down the hall

"I couldn't see why or why anyone would have it out for you Stiles" I said

"really? cause apparently it's cause this thing I have a talent for called sarcasim" he said

"maybe they just don't appreciate good thing like others" I said pulling my books closer to my chest as I smiled back at Stiles but before he could say anything cole appeared coming between us wrapping one arm around each of us

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