Family Dinner

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Oh the ridicules and life of high school, you know someone should really warn us about this and I don't mean the after school programs on our televisions or the awkward conversation we all get our parents about the birds and the bees, No I'm talking about the people who think once they come to high school they decide to be these complete other aspect or version of themselves that who are trying to kid you'll get chewed out in the real world 'good luck'.

Some people are straight jokes why can't everyone be themselves why do we have to hide behind our insecurities and plead for others to like us.

Okay maybe I was being extra bitchy Cassie today more than usual or maybe I really don't like my classmates ... or teachers.

Finally the gurling day was over and I was ready to curl up in my covers with ice cream and Game of Thrones.. what? I have my period what better way than watch people get hacked away and have my sweets.

Now I was walking down the hall with Allison and Lydia as I was making my way out toward Christian's car he already texted me telling me he was there.

"So you said earlier Scott was coming over?" Lydia questioned Allison

"we're just studying together" Allison said Lydia and I looked at each other giggled together guess our minds click at that moment.

"just studying never ends with just studying I'm pretty sure Cassie can agree with me for once" Lydia said I noded

"it's like getting into a hot tub, somebody eventually copes a feel" Lydia said walking up the steps

"another thing about reality and hormonal teens" I added

"so what are you saying?" Allison asked

"I'm just saying you should make sure he covers up" Lydia said suddenly it got quiet I looked at Allison who still strucked confused which made me confused has she never had a boyfriend I know as kids we had crushes but now I think of it she never mentioned any one.

"condoms Ally, little non-snow white over here is talking about condoms" I said Lydia gave me a side smirk kept walking I walked beside her I hear Allison chuckle behind us.

"are you serious after one date" Allison said

"don't be a total prude give him a little taste" Lydia said so casually "just don't be like you're cousin" she said looking at me

"hey Matt deserved that and now I haven't seen him all day" I said which is true I haven't pass few days he's been avoiding me which I praise to the higher power that he does. I guess I didn't know how hard I punch as the next time I saw him at school under his around his nose was black and blue it was nasty and of course he told his buddies so most the school thinks I'm some butch girl but I don't really give a goats poop what they think.

"well, I mean how much is a little taste?" Allison asked uncomfortably

"oh god you really like him don't you" Lydia said surprised why did she not really like Jackson? oh wait let me answer my own question, no, they use each other social ladder so sad actually.

"well, he's just different. When I first moved here I a plan,no boyfriends till college I just move too much but then I met him and he's different" Allison said like a love sick puppy

"You mean he's not a dick head" I said

"I don't know, I can't explain it" she said grinning

"I can. it's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine" Lydia said casually


"I'll tell you what when's he coming over?" Lydia asked

"right after school"

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