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Allison went on about how she captained pages of the beastary with telling me about a plan by her and Stiles while I translated the book for her with the knowledge I've gotten from Kate, thanks to her I knew quiet a bit. The book wasn't the only thing we talked about, we got to talking about each other I got to know more about my cousin. She really wants her relationship with Scott to work she's really head over heals for the wolf boy. My heart does bend for her knowing how it felt once, I would have done anything for him but now that wouldn't work out. Who knew humans hurts just as bad guess I know hot to pick em' supernatural or plain Jane human. I don't want to think about Stiles nor look at him I cant without feeling foolish but another part of me knows if I do look at him I'd just melt. I shouldn't be thinking about boys it's not the objective but then again I am a teenage girl.

Apparently after the boys stunt with Jackson landed them with a restraining order neither were aloud to talk or be near Jackson, really ruins the plan of keeping him from killing someone. Allison talked to the boys after our long talk in my room.

It's creepy to walk around the school now with Gerard placing security cameras everywhere making it very risky for all of us now. Now Allison and Scott had to be careful on how they saw each other. Which is why I'm following Allison into the library making it look tad bit unusual. We walked into the aisle she took a book off of the shelve seeing Scott and Stiles were already here on the other side. Both boys looked a bit shocked to see me with her after my out burst yesterday believe me I had intentions on ignoring Stiles with my bruised ego.

"I know we had differences but she is my cousin I trust her she also was the one to translate everything soo..." Allison started off they all looked at me as if they were waiting for an outburst to defend myself but I didn't.

"thank you Cassie" I heard looking up at Scott with a grateful look on his face gave me a bit of hope in him trusting me I happened to look at Stiles only for a split second to notice he was looking at the ground. I cleared my throat pulling out my tablet to pass to the boys through the shelf.

"so does it say how to find out who's controlling him" Scott asked looking up from the tablet I shook my head

"but Stiles is right about the murders, it calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance" Allison begins

"there's a story in there about this south American priest who uses the kanima to execute murders in his village"

"okay so maybe it's not all that bad" Stiles said hopeful

"until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted to" I said fiddling with the books next to me

"that's bad all very bad"

"here's the thing the Kanima's actually suppose to be a werewolf" I began to say someone walked into the aisle I just faced Allison making it look like we were talking amongst ourselves.

"but it can't until it resolves that in its past that manifested it" Allison finished once the student was gone.

"if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy I could've told you that myself" Stiles commented making me roll my eyes.

"what if... it has something to do with his parents?" Allison asked

"wait his parents? aren't they like well known around this town" I said

"that's his adoptive parents, his real ones well not to sure" Stiles said

"yeah does anybody actually know what happened to them" Scott asked

"Lydia might" Stiles mentioned

"what if she doesn't know anything?" Scott said

"well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me so I'll talk to him myself" Allison volunteered

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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