What team?

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Cassie POV

Sitting here in the blenchers on a cold night is not what I really wanted to do. I really wanted was to after I got out the shower was to hide in my bed at least be able to hide till tomorrow but no, not when the boys have a lacrosse game  and to keep up appearances instead of punishing the boys she let them play and she being my mother. Especially since the sheriff of beacon hills was at my home and was the one who picked me up my mother wanted us to put in extra dimple in our fake behind smiles for tonight.

So here I was sitting on the blencher with Cameron in my lap all bundle up matching is brother whom was in my mother's lap on the seats above me with my father they all sat in the school colors, of course I wasn't please I was warm in my wool black elegant asymmetrical long coat with navy blue beanie and gloves to match.

As I looked down at all the lacrosse players getting ready I spotted Scott and my brothers. Christian still hasn't said a word but I can also see the guilt in his face for what happened today but I need him to say not just have the expression for all I know he could be looking this pathetic to get sympathy from my parents cause he knows he could get away with it. I keep looking around I see Jackson even but not Stiles, where could he be?

"maybe we should have let her stay home" I heard my father say

"and what? what if something happened" my mother said I rolled my eyes it's not like they can see me I'm sitting in front of them but who else can see me is Kate four rows back with uncle Chris and Allison. I know she's not stupid to do anything here especially with my parents by myside so as of right now I'm as safe as the pope.

"she's fine. I could have stayed home with her" my father implied

"and Leave me here alone" she sneered I turned my head to look at them

"hey I'm not deaf and I feel fine so stop worrying" with that said I turned back around looking at the feel bouncing Cameron in my lap

"look at them run cam-cam" I cooed smooshed my nose in his cheek as he squealed making me laugh my parents said nothing more as the game began but as the coach was screaming like usual I couldn't help but notice deep scratches on the back of Jackson's neck.

What the hell? Was going on with him?

I jumped a little not expecting everyone to be excited as they were when we won the lacrosse game but I guess they weren't kidding when they said Lacrosse was big in this town. I clutched Cameron tighter to my body as we made it off the blenchers trying not to be bumped by people when I was on the grass I saw Cole barreling toward me helmet off his hair sticking to his sweaty forward he was shouting in victory put his arms around Cameron and I for a second before going to our parents. I decided to walked around the groups of people I didn't see Stiles the whole game and it worried me a bit he was suppose to be here. As I kept walking as the field was starting to clear with Cameron on my hip I made my way toward one of doors led into the school seeing Scott standing there with Allison I didn't even see uncle Chris next to me.

"Cassie are you okay?" he asked looking concerned I looked confused till I remembered the big bump on my head, oh yeah that.

"siblings gone wild gone wrong" I told him hosting Cameron up higher as he was slipping. Uncle Chris nodded as he beckond Allison pulling out the door she looked like she wanted to say something to me but uncle chris was pulling her out the doors. I looked back now Jackson was standing next to Scott I made my way over to them.

"what do you want Whitmore" I said as I approached them he just smirked at me

"I know you're little secret too" Jackson said which made me tense for a second but I kept my poker face on

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