not the breakfast club

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Cassie POV

"lydia I could have swore you said girls night" I whined as we were in her bedroom she was finishing up my nails another trick in her little play. I groaned looking over at Jackson who was watching lacrosse videos.

"so i lied come on it will be fun, we'll all go out have a good time promise" she said giving my nails a nice french tip have to admit the girl is good.

"last time I went out with you all, I decked someone in the face" I said

"yeah, none of that tonight" she looked up and demanded

"no promises" I grunted When Lydia finished my nails I sat back on her bed as she went to pick up her cell phone

"gosh, Allison was suppose to be here already" she whinned

"might have escape while she could" I mumbled. This is not how I wanted to spend my night here with her and Jackson apparently it's a group thing to add to the torture.

Lydia toss her phone on the bed groaning as she got up grabbing her heels to slip back on

"Scott is late picking her up" she complained

"maybe the loser ditched" Jackson grumbled but didn't take his eyes off the stupid video. I leaned over grabbing the pen off lydia's night stand aiming straight for Jackson's head and I got it too, as he spun around to look at me I just shrugged my shoulders.

"It slipped" I said innocently as possible

"come on up let's go" Lydia demanded grabbing her purse

"where might I ask?" I said putting my heels back on grabbing my coat

"to get Allison of course, Jackson" she turned to him like the good lackey he is Jackson stood up of course not without groaning shuting the video off finally.


Jackson might have a nice car but let me tell you it's super uncomfortable in the backseats that shouldn't even qualify as backseats but here i was on our way to Allison.

"does she know were coming?" Jackson asked

"no" Lydia said "Cassie will call her though" she said turning her head to look at me

"oh-okay-yeah just call her up" I said awkwardly pulling out my phone to call her

"Cassie?" she questioned as I put her on speaker

"hey so Lydia says were coming to get you" I told her

"your with lydia" she asked

"and Jackson" I pointed out

"please don't come. I'm sure he's on his way, he's only 26 minutes late" Allison said suddenly Lydia grabs my phone

"you hear that first it's only 26 minutes late a month later it's he only hits me up when he's drunk. slippery slope Allison slippery slope" Lydia said dramatic really?

"we're picking you up" Jackson spoke up


"too late" I said from my seat as we pulled up to Allison's drive way she walked up to the car by Jackson's door he rolled down the window

"Lydia gets what Lydia wants" he told her "come on we can stop by his place see if he's there" Jackson offered oddly being nice I tilted my head at his tone till Allison's phone went off.

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