that full moon

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(Not edited)

Cassie POV

After Stiles jumping out my window it was as if her ears were ringing cause Allison called telling me about her whole break up with Scott. I spent pretty much the next day hounded by questions by my cousin on what really happened that night or why I ran after Scott. I felt really bad for her, not only was Scott lying to her but so was I, I couldn't tell her it was uncle Chris who needed to tell her the truth.

My mom still didn't want to talk to me and my dad was pretending like nothing was going on around him. So the next day I just took care of Cameron again he was a lot better no fever just little cough. When Allison came over to talk about her break up it was just him and I alone at home again, she didn't question when I said just babysitting the sick baby. I wasn't ready to tell anyone else plus it wasn't in the plan when we moved here for anyone to know but I wasn't afraid that Melissa would tell a soul.

I looked at myself in the mirror once again my hair a bit frizzy and uncooperative, I huffed and just let it be fixing the sleeves of my grey blazer leaving my room as my heels clicked toward the twins room both awake and feed I changed them into some clothes and carried both on each hip down the stairs. When I got down the steps Cole was in the livingroom finishing the last of his homework.

"Cole grab my bag, Christian lets go" I yelled minute later he came down the steps tugging on his shirt

"it's early Cass" he said

"we're dropping the twins off first" I said he looked around seeing our parents not home he didn't argue just grabbed his things we all rushed out to his car. Easier than I thought

Once we dropped the twins off at daycare we headed to school, it's the first day back since it's been close for two days because of...well the incident as the news called it.

Stepping out of Christian's car I felt the heavy weight in my chest reminding of the night here couple days ago I can still hear everyone shouting the screams....Scott....the alpha.

I jumped when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder I looked over surprised it was Christian and if you look real close he looked a bit concerned but hid it.

"you good?" he asked nodded toward the school I looked back sheriff's deputies standing outside a car patrolling around the school I could see all the teens entering the school some laughing with friends some just in that brooding mood, only if they knew what really happened here. The news reports and sheriff department all blamed it on Derek Hale I knew it wasn't him nor did he kill the janitor but what I wasn't sure and neither were Scott and Stiles from the conversation I had with them was if Derek was still alive.

Looking back at Christian i nodded "just any other day" I told him

"well... I have practice today remember" he said

"and I will be waiting" I said with that he was off to find his friends not till I turned around did I notice Cole was gone too, up the steps of the school he flirting with some girl making me shake my head. As I walked toward the school steps I saw Allison walking a head into the school her head down I wanted to say something but I wasn't sure how to start a casual conversation with her right now.

"Cassie" I heard someone shout I spun searching for the voice till I spotted the tan SUV on the corner with my Aunt Kate and Uncle Chris inside looking back over at me. I gripped the strap to bag tighter as I walked over to them standing awkwardly next to the car.

"hi" I said waving at them, what else was I gonna say? how's the weather? know any good recipes?

"how are you?" uncle Chris asked I knew he was asking how was I after the whole 'attack'

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