Camping trip

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Calebs POV

Hanna called me so excited because the girls planned a campingtrip for tonight. I knew she wasn't gonna give up untill she dragged me down there and camping with Hanna wasn't that bad ;p and the boys would there be too so i agreed and we were now on our way there.
"Caleb thankyou so much for coming and i'm sorry we couldn't spend the night at your house" she said while she kissed my cheek. "Don't worry, i love camping with you" i smirked.
the ride was filled with hanna who sang along with every song on the radio

When we arrived at the parkingplace(?) the others where already there. I parked my car and we unloaded our bags and the tent.

Hanna's POV

I was satting up our tent with Caleb when i felt a little dizzy. I quickly drank some water but it didn't go away. I kept going with the tent when caleb noticed my absence(?). "Han, whats wrong?" "Nothing" i smiled when I hit the peg in the ground. "Han i know you, whats wrong?" He said while he put his hand on my shoulder. "Just a little headache don't worry, i'll be alright"
"Babe, let me finish this i will ask one of the boys for help so you can go sit with the girls and eat some marsmallows" he said while he kissed my cheek and took the hammer out of my hand. "Fine" i said while i walked to the campfire I felt my legs go limp. Thats when i almost fell on the floor, but Caleb managed to catch me in his arms. "Hanna?" He said while my eyes where fluttering thats when everything went black.

I woke up in the tent, Caleb next to me. "your awake!" He smiled when he stroke my hair behind my ear. "Uh yes, how long was i gone?" "30 minutes" "oh okay" "Han, why aren't you worried? maybe we should go to the docters?" "No no its fine Caleb" "Han you were out for 30 minutes!" I looked away "it has been longer sometimes" i murmered so Caleb probably wouldn't hear it. "What did you say?" "it has been longer sometimes" I repeated this time a little louder. "You've had this before?" "Yeah.." "Han, how? Why didn't you tell me?" "Well.. You know i had a concussion when Miranda kipnapped me. She kicked and hit my head all the time and the docters think that that caused this, but it's just my concussion." He looked me in the eyes "you could have told me, i could have helped" "I know sorry, i didn't want to worry you" "I care about you Hanna i'll always worry about you" he said before kissing me on the lips.


We sat around the campfire eating marsmallows with everyone. Caleb had his arm around me and i had his sweater on because it was a little cold outside. "Are you sure you don't wanna go home?" Aria asked "No no i'm fine" i said while turning my marsmallow around.
"So should we do some spookystories?" Ezra asked while putting his arm around Aria. "Yeah thats fun" emily shouted.
And so the night went by
When after 5 stories our phones starting to go off i looked over to the girls and than to Caleb.

I know a spookystory.. Once upon a time there where 5 little dolls outside in the woods. You can finish it yourself XX -A

A shiver rolled down my back when I crept closer to Caleb who held me even more protective.
"I think we should go sleep" Spencer suggested while she stood up dragging Toby with her.

Caleb and i where together in our tent. Caleb held me protective
In his strong arms scared of what could happen. "han are you asleep?" He whispered. I turned around to face him to look him in his eyes. His beautiful eyes i was so happy to have him. i kissed him slowly on his lips i pulled my tongue into his mouth i felt he hesitated but when i leaned over him he started to kissing me rougher "h hanna aarre y you sssure yyou want tthis rrriggt n now" he asked between the kissing. "Yes i said while i started to undo his shirt.


I woke up laying on calebs chest wrapped in some blankets when someone opened our tent. "Wake up time sleepy love birds breakfast is ready" Spencer shouted in our tent
Thankgod we had those blankets..
When she was gone i quickly closed the tent and put on some clothes. Caleb lay there laughing at me. "Come on Caleb it's not funny! They could have caught us" i said while i hit him with a pillow. "Whats so bad about that, all the couples does it" "yeah but not in a fucking little tent in the woods" i laughed while i slipped on my pants. "We do, it's our special place" Caleb said while he put me in his embrace "okay you win" i laughed when he kissed my cheek.


We ate our breakfast and when we were done we all started to pack up our things and going home.

Caleb brought me home and when i got my things out off his car i leaned in to give him one last kiss.
I wanted to walk off when i remembered something i turned around.
"Caleb tonight is that party at Noels, do you wanna come with me?" I asked. "Sure how late should i pick you up?" "9 o'clock?"
"Alright see you then princess" he smiled and then drove away.



So a longer chapter almost 1000 words😛 did you like it and should i do more chapters like this? bc usually i write chapters with like 600 words or something😝 let me know x

I know i promised to post this yesterday but yesterday was buzy with all the unpacking from vacation and we went to my grandmother so i decided to post this today. Hope you don't mind😊
I didn't check the orthography, because i'm tired it's 1:44 Am and i did almost 1,5 hour about this chapter so i will post it like this now and i will improve it tomorrow

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