Do you wanna go...?

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Caleb's POV

Today was the day that i'm gonna ask Hanna if she wanna go to prom with me. I knew she was so excited about the whole prom and the way people ask someone to go with them so i'm pretty nerves about it. I hope she is gonna like it.

I knocked at the back door and opened it when i saw Hanna there in the kitchen making a egg. "Hey you" she said when she saw me. "Hey princess" i said when i walked up to here and gave her a quick kiss. "Do you want one?" She asked when she hold her plate with the egg on it up. "Uhm yes please" i smiled. "My mom and ted are out tonight and Sophia is gonna sleep at a friends place so do you wanna come over so we can eat together?" I knew why Ted and Ashley where gone because i asked Ashley if i could suprise Hanna with a Dinner tonight for prom and she thought it would be more romantic if there was nobody who could interrupt us. "Sure" i said when i took bite from the egg Hanna made for me. "So can i drive you to school?" "Yes please" she smiled when she kissed my cheek and ran upstairs to grab her bag.


Hanna's POV

Finally a break. School was so boring and everything went so slow, 1 hour felt like a whole day.
I walked outside when i saw Spencer and Aria where already at a table. I walked over to them. "Hii" "Hey Hanna" Aria said. I sat down "Where are you guys talking about?" "Well Toby asked me to go with him to prom!" Spencer said really enthusiastically "Ah great Spence!" "How did Caleb ask you Han?" Aria asked "Well uhm he didn't ask me at all" I murmered "Seriously? I thought he should have done it by now" Spencer said "Apparently not" i hissed "He will do it soon Han, he knows how important prom is for you" Aria said. "I don't know Caleb doesn't like prom so maybe he don't wanna go.."
"Hey girls!" Emily said while she greeted us. She took a seat beside me "Guess what! Paige asked me to prom!" she said enthusiastically "Great just great" i said while i stand up and walked away.

Spencers POV

"Whats the matter with her?" Emily asked when she stole on off my cookies "Caleb didn't ask her to prom yet" "Ahw he will he loves Hanna and he knows how important it is for her" "i know"
"Hey girls! Whats wrong with Hanna? She walked past me without saying anything?" Caleb said while he greeted us. "Yeah and it's your own fould" Aria hissed
"What? Why?" He asked confused
"You didn't ask her to prom. You're planning on doing it right? You know how important it is to her" i said "Ofcourse i know and wanted to do it tonight i have it all planned out don't worry" he said. "Well go get your Princess then" Emily laughed when she pushed him away from our table.


Hanna's POV

I was in my bedroom waiting for Caleb thinking why Caleb didn't ask me.. Does he still love me? Maybe he didn't ask me because he wants to break up. No no Hanna don't think about that. He loves you. That's when my bedroom door opened "Hey Princess what's wrong? Why did you avoid me at school?" Caleb asked when he sat besides me on the bed and grabbed my hand. "Nothing sorry for my behavior at school it's just nothing i promise" i fake smiled and kissed his cheek. "Well come downstairs dinners is ready" "Caleb dinner? What did you do?" I asked "Suprise" he smiled when he pulled me off the bed and led me downstairs. When i walked in the living room i saw a heart formed by candles and the floor strewn with rose petals and a table in the heart. "C-caleb whats this?" I asked when i felt a tear in my eyes. "Hanna" he said when he turned me to face him. "Hanna Marin will you go to prom with me?" I laughed when my eyes where filled with tears off joy "yes yes yes" i smiled when i kissed him passionated.

The rest off the night was perfect Caleb made us dinner and is was so good after that we watched some movies and we decided that Caleb could stay the night and thats when we made love. This night was amazing and i'm never gonna forget it.


I hope you all liked it i will write a new chapter too, but tomorrow i'm going to the efteling a dutch amusement park and there is a summernight so i will be there the whole day so i can't write


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