Chapter 1

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I strutted down the hallway in my new heels with just enough confidence so I didn't look to full of myself. But seriously, who wouldn't want to show these heels. They were too hot to hide from the world.

"Lucy you look amazing as always."

"Damn girl, look at you."

My girlfriends, Cassidy and Sarah, knew just how to welcome me each morning.

"Loving the new shoes."

That was my boyfriend, Gus. He's the Quaterback on the football team. We recently started dating two weeks ago. I got tired of Caleb, the captain, and his arrogance. That... and he wanted sex. Sure I've dated all the football players, and even went around the circle again, but I'm not a slut.

"Awe baby, you noticed." I give him a big kiss in front of our whole group, even Caleb. "I'm glad you like them. They are a gift from Daddy. Oh and Gus, babe, do you have my Starbucks for me?"

"Every morning," he says sweetly handing me my cup.

"Awe, love you. I would love to stay and talk more, but Mr. Alexander has been giving me crap each day for showing up late, and I am not getting a detention. Walk me to class?"

"Yeah... I would, but I don't want a detention either. Sorry babe."

"Class isn't for ten minutes."

"Yeah, um, but my class is on the other side of the school and I need to get there early to talk to my teacher- with Sarah."

"It's fine. I mean, I was going to walk with Cassidy anyways." I try to act like I don't care, but I do.

"Okay see you later."

He walks off with Sarah with out another second passing by. The nerves the boy has.

I walk off with Cassidy, then turning to look behind to make sure Gus is farther away. Once I see him in the distance down the hall, words start flying out of my mouth.

"I can't believe him. You don't just not walk your girlfriend to class."

"Yeah totally," Cassidy agrees with me.

"I mean, doesn't he love me?" I continue to rant out loud.

"Of course he does, along with every other male that lays eyes on you."

I think about her words for a second. She is so right.

"You are so right. SCREW YOU GUS!" I shout, laughing, walking into journalism class.

"SCREW YOU GUS!" she laughs with me.

I think I love Cassidy more than I do my boyfriend.

The desks of the class are lined up separately in rows and columns facing the board like every other cliche high school room. Cassidy and I sit side by side, like usual. I'm pulling out all of my colorful notebooks and pens when I hear behind me-

"Mind if I guess why you want to screw Gus?"

I turn around to be faced with Matt Thompson. He's a year older, in the senior class. Matt is one of those kids who acts like he has everything figured out about everybody. He's smart but not grouped with nerds, muscular but not grouped with the jocks, and confident but not grouped with the asses. It's annoying how he acts all cool and collected with control over any situation.

"Sure why not. You seem like you obviously know everything about me."

"Not everything, I just have a pretty good idea. First, you showed up this morning and your football boyfriend of the month welcomed you with you favorite Starbucks, just like every morning." Well he has the first part right, but it would be a surprise if he didn't know it. Everyone sees me receive Starbucks from my boyfriends. "Second, he surprised you with a complement about your new shoes."

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