Chapter 3

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"Raise your hands if you have plans tonight," Mr. Alexander says to the class.

I look around the room to see everyone raising their hand. Mine is proudly raised knowing my evening consists of swiping credit cards.

"Wow you all seem so busy. Good for you. Now, I want you to keep your hand up if your plans are recreational, meaning it isn't mandatory. Something for fun."

A lot of us keep our hands up. I notice Matt puts his down. Awe, the poor thing doesn't have a real life.

"Go ahead and tell me what your plans are," Mr. Alexander continues.

All at once, all of us share, out loud, our plans.

"Shopping!" I clap my hands and smile.

It wasn't hard to hear Matt's judgmental chuckle from behind me. I turn around to his annoying face.

"Why are you laughing. You don't have any real plans. C'mon tell me, what's this important, mandatory thing you have tonight."

"An appointment."

"See," I say and turn around.

"Great!" Our teacher exclaims. "That's fantastic. For all of you who just raised your hands, cancel your plans."

The entire class is filled with "boo's". Yet he seems to be able to talk over all the commotion.

"You and your partner will be spending the evening together after school. If your partner has something mandatory that can't be canceled, you will join them. I want you two to spend as much time as you possibly can tonight to connect and learn about one another. Tomorrow, I want to see a list of ten things you learned about them. If I already know them, they don't count. Don't take this assignment lightly. The points will be equivalent to a quiz."

The class is filled with more "boo's". 

"Before the bell rings," he quiets the class down, "I want you to plan your evening together, you and your partner. Find one thing that each of you can contribute to tonight."

With all my energy, I turn around to Matt.

"Hi," He says, smirking at me.

"Hi," I say annoyed.

"I can't believe I get to spend the entire night with the Lucy Clearwater." I swear he only speaks sarcasm.

"Okay listen. Tonight, is just a suggestion. He can't force us to be together. Plus my plans are very important-"

"Shopping is not important."

"See this why this partner thing won't work. I just think we make stuff up about each other and turn it in."

"I don't know about you, but I actually have to work for my grades. I need a good GPA for a scholarship. I don't have a 'daddy' to pay for college." That went too far.

"Awe so now you're the poor kid. Besides, one journalism assignment won't hurt your grade."

"Why are you being so bitter about this? I thought we had fun when we went out to eat."

I just look at him with a straight face. I guess I had fun, but I can't admit that.

"Will you spend the evening tonight if I promise to take you shopping?" He offers.

"Tempting, but I'm going shopping no matter what tonight."

"Well then what do you want?" He starts to sound a little frustrated.

"How about when I decide tonight, I'll tell you."


"Fine," I repeat back with the same stubbornness.

The bell rings and everyone rushes out of their seats, excited for the end of the day. I make sure to leave Matt behind in the room while he's still packing up.

A few struts down the hall, he finally catches up.

"Not gonna wait for me?" he asks annoyed. "You walk fast."

"Is someone out of breathe?" I tease while walking, looking straight ahead.

Out of nowhere, I bump into his figure from him standing in front of me.

"What are you-"

"Gym. 4:30. Every morning," he cuts me off. "Sweetheart," he looks down to me. Suddenly, I realize how muscular he really is.  "I'm never out of breathe."

I roll my eyes and walk around him, pretending not to care.

"Matt, I don't have time for your arrogance. I really just want to go shopping-"

"We can't."  We are now at my car and I stop to look at him.

"But I thought you said-"

"Yes, but after my appointment."

"Fine. When is it?"

"It's in twenty minutes."

"How long?" I ask annoyed that I have to wait.

"It's just a check up so... fourty-five minutes."

"Uhg I have to sit in the car for fourty-five minutes?" I whine.

"You can wait in the lobby, you know."

"I don't like waiting."

"Well sorry, sweetheart, I have an appointment so you're going to have to wait. Keys?" He extends his hand.

I throw my keys at Matt and head to the passenger seat.

Tonight was going to be a long night.

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