Chapter 7

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                          ~Good try~

My morning had started really good, when I went down the stairs a plate of fruit was already served in front of me, I got with plenty of time to school, my mood couldn't be better; But like I said it had started really good...

- Brad I don't have anything to say to you - I sniff and rolled my eyes

- ¡¿YOU DON'T?!

While I was walking through the hallways to my locker I came across with Brad. Who right now was standing in front my locker impeding me to take out my books

- Okay, first modulate your voice I'm not deaf you can have for sure I hear you loud and clear

- Sorry

- Tank you, second I have nothing to explain you, since we are nothing, so move your ass from my locker I need my books - I moved my hand indicating him to take off; He did it without a word

- ¿It is true?

- ¿What? - I was taking out my books without looking at him

- You kissed with my cousin in Natalia's party

I turned and looked at him without saying anything for a moment - Yes

I wanna laugh, his expression was a combination between surprise, anger, sadness and confusion ¡God, this deserved a picture!

- You can't do that

- ¿Oh, no?

- No

I touched his shoulder - It's a pity, I already did - I closed my locker and walked away from there

- ¿What makes him so special?

- Just leave alone, Brad

- Answer me Savannah

I stopped and sniff - That He doesn't sleeps with my friends, that's what makes him so special ¿Happy?

- ¿How many more times I'll have to apologize?

- Oh dear, even if you followed me all my life on your knees I wouldn't forgive you, so make yourself a favor and go and found another deluded girl who believes your lies

- I don't want another girl, I want you

- Well, I think you will die alone - The bell, gave started the classes - See ya Brad


Rochelle, Nina and I were walking to the cafeteria, it was lunch time. We sat on our regular table while we were talking about things with no much relevance- Like who was already on her period or if her bra you could see it or the hickey that Rochelle's boyfriend had left in her neck stuff like that - Like I said, things with no much relevance

Ethan put his tray with his lunch beside me - Hi girls - He smiled at us

- Hi Ethan - my friends saluted

He looked at me - I've been looking for you all morning

- Don't say...

- Well I do say - I kissed my cheek - Good morning

- Ethan

- You're so cute - Nina smiled both of us

I raised an eyebrow, Rochelle looked at me funny

- You said that we were going to talk on Monday

- ¿Did I?

He nodded - It is Monday so let's talk

- Well, let's talk

He smiled - We kissed

- You kissed me

- You followed it

- I was drunk

- You told me I was hot

- You are

- ¿Did you liked it?

- Ethan, I can't remember the half of what happened

- I bet whatever you want to you remember

- I'm sorry to say, but I don't

- C'mon Savannah

- Don't insist more

- I can't do that

- Let's forget about it

- I don't want to

I comb my hair back - Okay ¿What do you want me to say?

- That you accept a date with me

- ¿Excuse me?

- If you do it, I'll leave you alone - He got close to me ear and whispered - If you want me to

- Take it easy - With a finger I put his face away from me

He took his tray - That's my price Babe - He stood up - Take it or leave it

- He's smart - Rochelle took a spoon of pudding into her mouth - You have to accept

I sniff. But she was right, He was smart and I was getting tired of him


We were walking back to the lockers, when we got there a lot of students were standing around my locker, I passed through the people to see what they were looking at and ¡Oh, big surprise! For all my locker were pictures of me and Ethan kissing outside Natalia's house

- ¿Forgetting the boyfriend with the cousin Sav? - Liz talked funny behind me - Very bad, beauty

I took off one of the photos and looked at it closer - ¿You took it?

- ¿Does it matters?

- Liz even don't have your own life that you have to take pictures of mine

- That's not the point - She said annoyed

- ¿What's the point then? ¿Make me look like a slut in front of everyone? - I raised the picture in my hand - I don't see the problem, it is been a long time since I had a boyfriend and it was just a kiss it's not as if I had slept with my best friend's boyfriend... Oh wait you already did that - I smiled at her

Everyone started to laugh, and walked away leaving just Nina, Rochelle, Liz ad I. I got closer to her and wrinkled the paper - Good try Liz - I put the photo in her hand - But if you believe that I can't humiliate you even more... You're pretty wrong dear, so stay away from me - I turned around started to walk

- I don't care Savannah

I stopped and looked at her over my shoulder - Perfect - A smile of complete satisfaction was drawn on my face - And please clean my locker before you go home

This is how it stays 1-0 a game of these ¿Great, right?

How to be a bitch (English translation of Como ser una perra) By Srta.TessWhere stories live. Discover now