Chapter 12

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                                                                                  ~A Capital S~

My car had already left the workshop – Thanks goodness – And by request of the principal, now in front of everyone the cheerleaders must wear the uniform to spread the spirit or something like that, wearing the uniform didn't bothered me, actually I liked it

- Hi cheerleader – Ethan saluted surrounding my waist

- Hum... I was getting used to Babe

He laughed – Hi Babe

I took his face with my hand – Hi – and I kissed him

He recharged his back against the lockers – I was wondering if you have planes for this weekend

- I'm free ¿What do you have in mind?

- There'll be a party in a new club

- Sounds tempting

He shrugged with an innocent look – I'm an awesome dancer

-You convinced me - I declared closing my locker

He hold my hand and we started walking for the hallway

- Who would say, I ended up dating a hot cheerleader

I looked at him raising an eyebrow - ¿And that's good?

- It's fucking amazing


- ¡Savannah!

I snorted – I don't have time now Brad – I stopped looking at him – Actually I don't have time for you anymore – I closed my locker with my books in my hands and I started walking towards the classroom

He followed me - ¿Why are you dating my cousin?

- ¿Why not?

- Stop fooling around Savannah

I smiled rolling my eyes – I like him and he likes me, easy, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you

- But him...

- He doesn't sleep with my friends Brad, you're dating Liz and I'm dating Ethan ¿What bothers you so much? Damn it ¿You can't settle for one? – I turned around leaving him alone in the hallway, I walked into the literature classroom and took my sit next to Nina

- Attention class – the literature teacher called everyone's attention – During this semester we will be reading "The Scarlet Letter" of the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorn. It tells the story of Hester Prynne, a women accused of adultery and that was convicted to wear the word A of adulteress in her chest, and try to live with dignity in a society unjust and hypocritical

Nina and I exchanged looks

- Any coincidence with reality is purely coincidental – Whispered Nina next to me

- I'll give you one Sav – Liz's annoying voice sounded behind me

I looked at her smiling – How sweet dear

- Although, however large the B was, it would not be enough to describe the Bitch you are

A murmur was heard throughout the classroom and the teacher called our attention - ¡Ladies!

- Not even a huge neon S, would be enough to say how Slut you can get to be, but don't worry, we'll find one big enough for you because you are unique, special and disposable

How to be a bitch (English translation of Como ser una perra) By Srta.TessWhere stories live. Discover now