.26. suit and tie

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"Hey, baby. Wake up. We gotta try on our tuxedos and shit soon." I whispered into James' ear, shaking his shoulder.

He turned over on his back, looked at me for a second, then closed his eyes again.

"James." I huffed, flicking his cheek. "C'mon, you're the one who set it up this early."

He sighed, rolling out of bed. "Okay, I'm going, jeez mom."

I went downstairs as James took a quick shower, flipping through the magazine again for the 6th time today. I stared at all the suits and ties, tapping my fingers against the counter. I flipped the page, twirling the ring around my finger. I turned more towards the back of the magazine, looking at the shoes.

We were going to try some suits on in front of each other, but we're not allowed to see the final decision.

"Okay baby, let's go." James said as he walked up to me, taking my hand in his.


James and I walked around the store, still hand in hand. I looked around in awe. This place was enormous. Dresses, suits, and shoes everywhere. A whole wall filled with ties. I picked a few out, making sure to keep my favorite ones at the bottom so James couldn't see. I left him at the ties to look at the suits. There were so many, and many of them pretty much looked the same. What's the point?

"Finding everything alright?" A man asked, smiling at me.

"Uh, yeah, I think so." I laughed awkwardly. "Um.. Do you have any suggestions? Anything that like... Goes with my skin tone or something, I don't know how this works." I mumbled.

The employee chuckled, nodding. He grabbed a suit jacket, holding it up to my chest. He shook his head, grabbing another and doing the same. He nodded, handing me that one. He did it a few more times, leaving me with three choices.

"I think those should work well. Let's find the rest of your attire to match with that, shall we?" The man offered.

I nodded. "Yeah, of course, thank you."

We went around the store, avoiding James, and picking everything else out. I went into the changing room, putting on my least favorite outfit first, just so I could get out and see James in his full suit.

"This is my least favorite." I clarified to him as he checked himself out in the large mirror.

He chuckled, turning around. "Damn, if you look that good in your least favorite one... I may have to move up our wedding day."

I smiled, admiring how he looked. I sighed happily, falling into realization that this is actually happening. I'm getting married. To the love of my life. I stepped on the back of his shoes as he walked away, smirking.

He laughed, turning around and grabbing my waist. "These aren't our shoes, idiot. Don't scuff them up."

I grinned, shaking my hips as I grasped my tie. "And as long as I've got my suit and tie, Ima leave it all on the floor tonight, and you got fixed up to the nines. Let me show you a few things, show you a few things. All pressed up in black and white, and you're dressed in that dress I like."

James rolled his eyes, hitting my chest.

I laughed, continuing. "Let me show you a few things, show you a few things, about love."

"You're an idiot." He mumbled.

I stuck my tongue out. "And you're marrying this idiot."

"And I couldn't be happier."


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