twenty nine; twitter

923 37 3

poisonivy: i love having articles written about me 😂

username: lmao i read it

username: are y'all dating officially?

poisonivy: @username i have not asked her to be my girlfriend

linzzmorgan: ask her to be your girlfriend

lunayoung: @linzzmorgan @poisonivy do what lindsey says

poisonivy: @lunayoung @linzzmorgan i am a grown adult don't tell me what to do

linzzmorgan: @poisonivy @lunayoung we're just trying to help babe

iamAvgeropoulos: ask her!!

username: i love how everyone is telling ivy to ask alycia to be their gf

WildpipM: listen to the girls, ivy

LaurenCohan: do what they say

mcbridemelissa: listen to them, child

cserratos: ask alycia to be your gf

AlannaMasterson: i would listen to all of those people

poisonivy: @linzzmorgan @lunayoung FINE I WILL

ok but everyone demanding ivy to ask alycia out is amazing

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