fifty five; real life

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"i'm not gonna get to come back home for a while, alright?" ivy said with an arm on alycia's shoulder.

"yeah, i know the drill. i'm leaving soon and i'll be back in maybe seven days. i have interviews for fear." alycia smiled as she hugged ivy.

"i know baby but we'll text and facetime." ivy smiled and kissed alycia's head.

"i'll miss your lips." alycia frowned, hugging ivy tightly.

"me too, i'm gonna miss your cuddles. but we'll be together soon." ivy reassured their girlfriend.

"i know." alycia sighed quietly. "i will come to set as soon as i get back."

"good, i'll need to see you and we'll spend my days off together." ivy pulled away and smiled at alycia.

ivy's bodyguard was sat outside waiting for ivy and luna. he honked the car horn which made luna jump slightly. she was stood behind ivy with luggage in her hand and her purse in her other.

"fuck, we should go, i." luna said, patting the blonde on their arm.

"i know."

luna smiled slightly and moved to hug alycia. luna grabbed alycia and hugged her tightly, smiling softly. she let go of the brunette and nodded at her.

"i'll miss you, alycia." luna frowned and gripped her luggage as she walked out the front door.

ivy grabbed alycia and held her tightly. "i will text you as soon as we get to the house."

"i love you." alycia said before letting go of ivy.

"and i love you, alycia jasmin." ivy smiled widely. "considering there's a group house for filming, i'll be up there for a while. once i get days off i'll come back home."

"okay. once i get back i'll come stay up there for a few days." alycia smiled.

alycia reached up to the blonde's lips and planted a kiss on ivy's plump nude covered lips. alycia smiled against ivy's lips and pulled away.

"i love you." ivy said, hugging alycia once more.

"i love you, now go before paul honks again." alycia responded.

"okay. i will text you as soon as we get to the house. the girls rode with richard and they're probably there already. paul agreed to pick up devon on the way." ivy explained, gripping their luggage.

"i'll see you in a weekish." alycia frowned as she held ivy's hand.

"i'll text you and call you before bed." ivy kissed alycia's hand and let go quickly.

ivy sighed as they walked out of the front door. they got halfway down the driveway before turning to see alycia in the doorway. ivy blew a kiss as alycia caught it and put her hand to her heart.

"cute!" ivy shouted.

alycia waved as ivy got into the car. ivy closed the car door and paul backed out of the driveway.

"can you honk for me?" ivy asked as paul nodded.

he honked as ivy watched alycia stand in the doorway. ivy smiled as they drove off. luna grabbed ivy's hand, holding it.

"it'll be okay, you'll see her soon." luna consoled the blonde.

"i know."

im not ready to end it im emo

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