fifty four; twitter

588 24 3

poisonivy: we start filming tomorrow, i will miss my baby but i'll get to spend time with her on breaks.

username: THIS IS SO EMO

username: bellarke? bellarke.

DebnamCarey: i love you honey

username: NO FUCKING WAY

username: @DebnamCarey YOU SAID I LOVE YOU

poisonivy: @DebnamCarey i love you too baby

lunayoung: you have me

linzzmorgan: okay but we're gonna be there all the time

poisonivy: @lunayoung i know bb

iAmavgeropoulos: you have me your bestfriend

poisonivy: @linzzmorgan sadly

username: fuck man we wont see pics of ivy and alycia for a while :(

username: BTS PICTURES!!!

MisElizaJane: we love you

RichardSHarmon: you have your husband

poisonivy: @MisElizaJane and i love you

poisonivy: @RichardSHarmon unfortunately

username: can you give us any inside scoop??

devbostick: ily

poisonivy: @username maybe

a couple chapters left :(

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