forty five; comic con day 1

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everyone from fear the walking dead was backstage getting ready to go out on stage. ivy had met everyone from the cast moments before and loved them already.

"i hope you do great, babe." ivy smiled widely at alycia.

"thank you, i'll come right back here and we can go the hundred panel. exciting news for you and luna!" alycia smiled at ivy and luna.

"you're gonna do great, alycia." luna smiled and patted alycia on the arm.

chris hardwick started calling names which made alycia jump a little. she hugged ivy tightly and kissed them on the lips.

"i'll see you guys in an hour." she said as she walked off.

"mercedes mason, alycia debnam-carey, lorenzo james-henrie, and introducing new cast member danay garcia!" chris said as everyone walked on stage.

alycia was wearing this black dress which made her look amazing. ivy could not keep their eyes off of alycia. ivy and luna sat backstage and watched on a television. 

"alright. your 2016 fear the walking dead lineup. uh, let's start with dave and kinda go down the line. so everyone went bananas at the end of last season and sorta seperated, so what does that mean now that everyone has gone onto their own direction." chris asked.

"you did amazing!" ivy greeted alycia as she walked off stage.

"thanks, babe. i was nervous, i didn't know if i'd mess up." alycia laughed as she hugged ivy.

"do you have to go?" ivy asked.

"sadly, yeah. we have an interview. but i'll meet up with you at the hotel later." alycia said.

"okay. me and luna are gonna literally run to the hundred panel. they're bringing us on stage so we gotta go." ivy said, kissing alycia quickly.

"have fun!" alycia shouted as ivy and luna started walking off.

"you too babe, i'll see you later!" ivy waved.

ivy and luna were escorted out of hall h by some bodyguards. they went through a backway entrance leading into ballroom twenty. they quickly made it there in under ten minutes. they were escorted backstage and stood right at the opening.

they were about two questions into the fan questions which meant ivy and luna would go on stage soon. 

"thank for you for that last question. before these guys go, they have an annoucement to make." the host said.

ivy and luna held hands and smiled at each other.

"in addition to adding zach to the cast, we're adding two others. ivy knight and luna young are joining the cast!" eliza said as everyone started screaming.

the two looked at each other and smiled widely. someone handed them both a mic as they walked out onto stage. the crowd went wild as they waved. ivy and luna stood behind eliza and henry.

"i haven't gotten my script yet but i know i'll be in most of the the episodes! luna here is joining as a recurring character who is in the ice nation." ivy wrapped their arm around luna as they spoke to the crowd.

the crowd started booing which made luna fake cry.

"i'm a good ice nation grounder! i didn't kill a certain grounder who was beheaded by the queen." luna teased. "cough, nia, cough."

the crowd laughed as the cast looked over at the two.

"vienna will encounter odessa, luna's character, in polis. i can't give too much away but there's a little spoiler." ivy winked.

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