thirty; real life

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it was alycia and ivy's sixth date. they went out for a sunday night dinner the night after the article was posted. they went on a movie and dinner date on wednesday making it their fifth date. it was their sixth date and ivy was taking alycia to a music festival. lindsey and marie were coming along but they were going to be on a date also.

ivy had planned to ask alycia to be their girlfriend officially. ivy had it all planned out. during her favourite artist ivy would ask alycia. ivy really likes alycia, they got butterflies everytime alycia came up. 

they had driven an hour before they got to the place they were holding the festival. the four friends had found the perfect spot. ivy was wearing this pretty maroon-purple coloured shirt with high waisted jean shorts and black sandals. alycia had this coral pink coloured tank top with black jean shorts with black converse to match.

marina and the diamonds is alycia's favourite artist. she loved marina and her style so much. she was playing at the festival and ivy got last minute tickets. ivy had planned to ask alycia out while marina was singing alycia's favourite song. alycia adored the song can't pin me down so much. 

ivy, alycia, lindsey and marie enjoyed themselves throughout the concert. it took about over two hours until marina got on stage. marina played three songs before she got to can't pin me down. ivy faced alycia and breathed out.

"alycia?" ivy shouted over the music.

"yeah?" she shouted back.

"will you be my girlfriend?" ivy asked. "it has been six dates!"

"i would love to be your girlfriend!" alycia shouted in ivy's ear.

ivy smiled widely and kissed alycia. lindsey had her phone out the whole time and got pictures. ivy and alycia didn't mind, they both thought it was cute. ivy was so happy. they finally got the girl they liked ever since filming season two.

yay! ivy finally asked alycia out!!! 

i ship them so much i cri

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