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    "YES!" I squeal in a very Cassidy-like manner.
     Sophie runs in, still in her pajamas. "WHAT?!" She asks, panting. "Megan, it's two in the morning! What on earth is going on?!"  Sophie is clearly steaming, but curiosity gets the best of her as she sits down at my bed, glancing at the email I had been screaming at just moments before.
   "I've been asked to put on another fashion show for Flashlite!" I yell, and Sophie starts squealing with me.
   "OMG! Can I model? Can there be a fashion show? Can I model IN the fashion show?" I nod, still jumping up and down!
   "Ohmygoshimsoexcited!" Sophie yells out. I nod, but anxiety has started to sink in.
   "Soph, there's gonna be a bunch of famous designers here. You saw the email - this is to promote me! No, I can't do this. I'm only 18-as-of-last-week! Oh, what if everyone hates it? No, this was a horrible idea! Why did I say yes?!"
    Sophie stares at me,  appalled.
"Megan!" She reprimands. "This has been your dream for years! You HAVE to do this! I know your nervous, but it'll be tons of fun - I promise."
    "But what if-" I start, but Sophie interrupts me.
  "No! No 'What ifs!'  What ifs are just thoughts that kill ideas, and you have to ignore those thoughts! You have made some amazhang designs, you've put on fashion shows before, and your friends - minus Cassidy - will be happy to model for you! Okay?"
   I smile at Sophie and nod. "Okay." Suddenly, I am hit with an idea so ingenious, it could've spawned from the mind of Jessica Delaney.
    "Let's go raid the freezer for ice cream!" I suggest, making sure to keep my voice low. Sophie gives me a devilish grin and nods.
      We walk into the kitchen to find dad eating a bowl of ice cream with one of those spoons mom uses to serve soup.
I give a tiny cough, and he looks up at us as a guilty expression creeps across his face.
     "Don't tell your mother." He begs us, with his mouth full. Me and Sophie exchange a glance.
    "I suppose we could keep your secret.....If you shared with us." I sat nonchalantly, studying my cuticles as dad swallows another bite.
    "Fine." He grumbles, filling up two bowls for us.
    Me and Sophie stay up, practically all night, talking, acting ice cream, and watching Project Runway: All Stars.
         We tromp into the kitchen the next morning to see mom's suspicious face.
     "I found the empty ice cream carton in the garbage this morning." She says in her You are so busted but I'm going to be cool about it voice.
    "Dad must've gone for another midnight raid," I say with a shrug.  Me father gapes at me, a betrayed expression masking his face
   "Th-they helped!" He protested, pointing at both me and Sophie in turn. Mom rolls her eyes.
    "Oh, quit pointing fingers. I'm just mad you didn't save any for me." She snaps In a very un-mom-like manner.
   We each gape at her, shocked, before bursting into laughter, enjoying another happy morning together.

   A/N: I know this is short, and probably has some grammar mistakes,  but my phone is about to die, and that makes it kinda difficult to write.
      I'm going to be putting run on hold, because I don't like the plot, and...  You'll see. 😏

   - Trinity Rebel 🍕

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