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Prom Night - Part 2

I sigh as I watch my friends, all having fun. Becca and Theo are by the DJ, Simon and Megan are at the photo booth, Jess and Darcy are dancing, and I'm...... Alone
        I have been planning this night for years. Yes, I HAD been to prom before, but that night was ruined with the whole Sophie drama. But this was MY prom. I was supposed to be here, with Stewart, dancing......
     He broke up with me over the phone. It was after the Halloween Dance, and I had woken up, already miserable that he had cheated on me to begin with, but still feeling a happy twinge from having fun with my friends. Mustering up all of my courage, I took a deep breath, and dialed his number. But before I can even say anything, he goes:
  "Listen, Emma: your a great girl, but I need someone new. I mean, you saw me dancing with Emmy last night, right?"
I don't say anything, I simply hang up, my fist shaking with rage, and sob.
Now, I'm at Prom, still hurting. The scar Stewart made is still open, and at first, it seemed to bleed out my soul. Now, it bleeds out my rage.
I'm dimly aware that I'm crying when I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I spin around to see a slightly scrawny boy with reddish hair and light brown eyes staring at me with what looks like concern. He shifts uncomfortably from one foot to the other.
"It's none of my business or anything, but you looked upset, and....." His voice trails off.
"I'm Axel Johnson, by the way." He adds, looking up at me. I clench my fists.
"Your related to that.... That.... Pansycake? I ask, my light tone concealing my hate. Axel sighs.
"Unfortunately, yes. Hey, isn't that your ex she's dancing with?" I look at the ground, and Axel realizes he's said the wrong thing.
"Because...... I mean, that would make them bigger jerks than they already are." He backtracks quickly. I laugh, despite the situation. We sit in a silence somewhere between awkward and silence. I'm just thinking about leaving when suddenly, Axel asks: "Do you.... Maybe.... Wanna..... Dance?" He asks, looking down as his ears turn bright red.
"Sure." I say. "Why not?"


I recognize the 80's song 'And Then He Kissed Me.' Playing over the speakers as Axel leads me to the dance floor. I slow dance awkwardly, both of us chuckling every time one of us steps in the other's foot. I look into his eyes, feeling the need to start a conversation.
"So...... How are you related to Emily?" I ask awkwardly.
"She's my evil twin sister from the depths of Tartarus." Axel says with a grin, and I snicker.
"Not a huge fan?" I ask him, and he shakes his head.
"No. At least, not now. Before our parents died and we were put into foster care, Emily was great. But after the fire..... She started hiding behind makeup and clothes, she even smoked at one point. She's definitely gotten better over the years, but some damage can't be undone."
I frown, unsure what to say. "I'm really sorry, Axel." I say, truly meaning it. He shrugs.
"It's fine." He replies lightly.
        We look at each other as the song slowly comes to an end. I had been upset about Stewart for so long, but now.....

And then he asked me to be his bride
And always be right by his side
All the stars were shining bright
And then he kissed me
And then he kissed me
And then he.... Kissed me....

And he did.

A/N: Hey guys! Crappy chappie, I know. I'm not proud of myself on this one, and I have no excuse other than writing most of it at ten o'clock at night. I'll try to make future chapters longer, though!
      Also, a lot of people have followed me this week and I was gonna tag them here as a thanks but I already forgot their usernames....

QOTC: New York or Italian pizza

A: I have to say NYC pizza. Over priced, sold by the slice 8-D


- Trinity Rebel ☺️

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