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      Prom Part 1

     I tap my thigh nervously as we wait for Becca to arrive. Prom starts in FOUR. HOURS. We are in Megan's room, getting ready.
    Well, all of us except for Cassidy, of course. But I have a sneaking suspicion that she doesn't mind
    Finally, Becca arrives, and Megan comes twirling in with our dresses.
     Megan's is a simple, flowing red dress with a cut out by the leg and bunches up at the top. It's sleeves wrap around just underneath her shoulders.
      Emma's is  a Long sleeved, shimmering violet dress that wraps tightly around her arms and torso and then flows gracefully around her legs.
       Becca has a sleeveless bubble - gum pink dress that pleats at the very top and then waterfalls down, just underneath the bust and ending above her ankles.
       Mine is a gauzy, one - shoulder dark blue dress that seems to be made with one big piece of fabric. Megan had weaved silver threads throughout it, making it glitter like a night sky.
        Next, we do hair. Mine is up in a tight bun, with a braid trailing across the top of my head. A white lily flower rests behind my ear.
    Megan and Becca have their hair up, and Emma's is curled just underneath her ears.
       Becca applies minimal make up, and before we know it, Darcy, Theo, and Simon are here. Emma has decided to go Stag. ( :) )
    Darcy takes my hand and pulls me in for a hug.
     "You look beautiful." He whispers in my ear, and I blush, burying my head in his shoulder. Until the mothers ruin the moment, of course.
     "Aw, your all so CUTE together!" Mrs. Hawthorne gushes, and we all blush.
   "Come on, kids! I want a group shot, individuals, and couple pictures." Mrs. Sloane-Kinkad's expression is strained, though, and I know why. She's probably being fantasizing about this day for Cassidy for years.
       After the moms finish crying and taking pictures, and the dads give out curfews, we head out.


    The gym looks amazing. Blue, purple and white streamers cover the walls, and fake snow lays in piles on the ground and  continues to fall from the ceiling. Goblets of Sprite colored purple and blue are on one table, snow cones and cookies on another. There's a DJ booth on the stage, and a photo booth in the corner.
    Emma goes over to the punch, Becca and Theo check out the DJ, and Simon and Megs go to get their picture taken. Meanwhile, me and Darcy head out to the dance floor
    'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley comes on, and I wrap my hands around Darcy's neck as we sway to the soft music.
     "I love you." Darcy whispers again, and I kiss him softly.
   "I love you too." I reply, my head resting on his shoulder.
     I close my eyes, taking in the moment. Because in less than a year, I leave for college, and in less than a week, Darcy has to go back to Dartmouth. And I'm nervous. I've never been more than a bike ride away from Darcy - heck, even at Dartmouth, I had enough free time to call Darcy every night, plus he was home every weekend.
But at Juilliard....
     I'll be miles away from Darcy, and everyone I love. And as far as I've come from 6th grade, making friends is still not my forte.
     Darcy looks down at me. "What's wrong, Jess?" He asks me, concerned. I sigh.
   "It's nothing, really. I'm just nervous for college." I say with a strained smile that Darcy sees through immediately.
    "Jess, your not going to lose me. No matter what life throws in our way. Okay?"
   I nod. "Okay."
And It is.

A/N: Hey guys! So, news: I'm thinking about putting my other MDBC fanfic up for adoption. I'm going to check if I'm allowed to, and I so, I'm going to. I'm so sorry, guys. But, these are my first few fanfics and with school starting at the end of the month, I've taken off more than I can chew.

QOTC: What's your OTP?

Ooh, this is hard! But I have to say Fax, Railey, or Percabeth. Or maybe Hinny? Or Cristen? No, the first three. No, Jily. No....
Bah, humbug!

Until next time,

I will see you in another life, brother.

  - Trinity Rebel 🎤

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