Chapter 3

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"No, it can't be-" Thorn said but was cut short.


(Y/N)'s POV
I let go of my arrow just as a silver arrow came out of the woods. Both of the arrows, gold and silver, hit the manticore on the shoulder. Thorn staggered back, wailing in agony.

"Curse you!" Thorn cried.

Then he unleashed dozens of his spikes into the woods and some in my directions. A force knocked me down. I looked up and saw that it was Annabeth.

We watched as silvery arrows shot out of the woods and intercepting the thorns in midair, slicing them in two and I knew exactly who were shooting those arrows with such accuracy.

I started to feel a bit dizzy. The poison was getting to me. I looked at my arm and saw that it was covered with my blood. I put my hand over my cut, using my powers that I had left. My arm stopped bleeding but it wasn't 100% healed. I still felt a little bit of poison in my body but luckily I have a tough immune system.

The manticore pulled the golden and silver arrows out of his shoulders and then howled in pain. Then the archers came out of the woods with their bows drawn as they advanced towards the manticore. The youngest looked like she was 10 while the oldest looked about 14. All of them wore silvery ski parkas and jeans.

"Who are they?" Annabeth asked.

"The Hunters." I whispered.

I looked at the girls and narrowed my eyes. Annabeth looked at what I was looking at.

A tall older girl with a silver circlet braided on top of her long dark hair, stepped forward with her silver bow drawn.

"Permission to kill, my lady?" She asked.

"This is not fair! Direct interference. It's against the Ancient Laws." The monster wailed.

"Not so." Another girl said.

She looked like the other girls but I knew who she really was.

She glanced her silvery eyes at me but then looked back at the manticore.

"The hunting of all wild beasts is within my sphere. And you, foul creature, are a wild beast." The girl said.

She looked at the girl with the circlet.

"Zoe, permission granted."

Thorn growled.

"If I cannot have those brats alive, I shall have them dead!" He turned towards the defenseless Bianca and Nico.

I knew what he was going to do next. And I was not going to let that happen. So I got out of Annabeth's grip and ran towards the di Angelo kids, ignoring the protests of everyone.

"Get back, half-blood!" Zoe yelled. "Get out of the line of fire."

"(Y/N)!!" Thalia, Annabeth, Grover, and Percy yelled.

As I was running, I loaded another arrow onto my bow and launched it at the manticore. It hit him in the back. Thorn howled in pain. He turned around and looked at me with rage in his eyes.

I dropped my bow and grabbed my dagger, not noticing that my bracelet fell to the ground. He slashed his claws at me. I barely dodged them. I stabbed Thorn in the stomach and flipped over his scaly tail behind him. I leaped onto his back and stabbed him again into his mane as he tried to get me off of him.

I looked at Zoe and nodded at her. She seem to get the message.

"Fire!" She yelled.

Percy's POV
"NO!" I screamed as well as my other friends.

But the Hunters let their silver arrows fly towards the manticore and (Y/N). None of the arrows hit her but they did hit the manticore, making him stagger back. I slowly stood up.

"This is not the end, Huntress! You shall pay!" The monster growled.

My eyes connected to (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones. She mouthed something to me: I'm sorry. And then the monster leaped over the cliff into the darkness down below with (Y/N) still on his back.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled.

I started to run towards the cliff, hoping that (Y/N) escaped the fall. But I completely forgot the enemies in the helicopter.


The helicopter started shooting at us, scattering most of the Hunters except for the auburn haired girl. She looked at the helicopter as if its no threat to her.

"Mortals, are not allowed to witness my hunt." She said.

She thrust out her hand and the helicopter exploded into...ravens?

The Hunters gathered us in a group. Bianca and Nico were still a little freaked out on what happened. 'Zoe' looked at Thalia.

"You." She said with distaste.

"Zoe Nightshade." Thalia said angrily. "You always have perfect timing, as usual."

Zoe looked at the rest of us.

"5 half-bloods and a satyr, my lady."

"Yes, some of Chiron's campers, I see." The auburn haired girl said.

"(Y/N)! You have to let us save her! Please!" I said desperately.

The auburn haired girl looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Percy Jackson, but my niece is beyond help." She said, sadly.

'Niece? (Y/N) never told me she had an aunt.'

I went up to her but a couple of girls held me back.

"Let me go!" I demanded. "Who do you think you are?"

"Percy." Annabeth warned.

"What?! I need to find (Y/N) and this girl here says she's her aunt?!" I exclaimed.

Zoe stepped in front of me as if she going to slap me.

"No." The girl ordered. "I sense no disrespect, Zoe. He is simply confused. He does not understand."

Zoe nodded and backed up. The younger girl looked at me.

"To answer your question Percy, I am (Y/N)'s aunt. Her immortal aunt."

Her silvery eyes narrowed at me.

"I am Artemis. Goddess of the Hunt."

(A/N): Another cliffhanger? Really? Yeah I know sorry about that. So this week is homecoming🏈and I don't think I would have time to update. Sorry 😐

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