Chapter 26

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(A/N):I had to change a few things but again I ask you to just go with it.

(Y/N)'s POV
Percy and I had the same battle tactic as we both went into two directions, so we could be on either side of Atlas, who was busy fighting Zoe. Three to one doesn't sound fair, but if you're opponent is a Titan then it really doesn't matter if it's fair or not.

Speaking of Zoe, the Huntress was holding her own, but her movements were starting to get sluggish. Zoe dodged every attack her father makes, and kept aiming her silvery arrows at him. Unfortunately, Atlas was not harmed from Zoe's arrows. The Titan then saw me and Percy on either side of him, but he glared at me the most.

"I knew I should have killed you myself." Atlas growled at me before using his javelin.

The javelin was aimed towards my chest, but I easily deflected the huge javelin with my dagger by using a technique Luke showed me. The tip of his javelin landed right next to my feet. I smirked at the Titan's failed attempt to try to hurt me.

"And too bad you'll never get to kill me." I retorted back, making the Titan angrier.

Before Atlas could make another move, Percy swung his sword at the Titan. Atlas saw this coming, and he used his javelin to block it. Zoe aimed more arrows at Atlas, but he easily was able to dodge them.

It was like that for a couple of minutes before Percy tried to attack Atlas by swinging Riptide at him again, but this time the Titan used his javelin. Percy tried to dodge but the javelin caught him in the chest before throwing him towards Artemis.

"Percy!" I yelled as I ran towards him.

"(Y/N)! Beware!" Zoe yelled.

I looked back only to feel pain on the right side of my face, and finding myself on the ground. Atlas has used his javelin to hit me in the face and slammed me to the ground. Before I could get up, I saw Atlas towering over me with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"It's a shame. I was expecting someone powerful to fulfill the Ancient Prophecy, not someone weak like you." Atlas growled.

'What stupid prophecy is he talking about?'

I glared at him before using my dagger to stab Atlas in the foot. The Titan howled in pain before he kicked me in the stomach, making me launch towards a marble column. My back hit the column first, before I fell back to the ground. The armor I was wearing was not helping me at all.

Percy's POV
"Die, little hero." Atlas said as he raised his javelin to impale me.

"No!" Zoe yelled, and a volley of silver arrows sprouted from the armpit chink in Atlas's armor.

"ARGH!" Atlas growled as he turned his attention towards his daughter.

I reached into my pocket and felt Riptide came back. But what good could it do? I couldn't fight Atlas, even with a sword. Suddenly I remembered the words of the prophecy, sending a chill down my back. The Titan's curse must one withstand. Maybe I couldn't beat Atlas, but there was someone who might stand a chance.

"The sky," I told the goddess. "Give it to me."

"No, boy," Artemis said. "You don't know what you're asking. It will crush you!"

"(Y/N) took it!"

"And she barely survived. She has the spirit of a true huntress. You will not last long."

Percy Jackson x Reader-The Titan's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now