Christmas Imagine

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Summary:It's Christmas Eve, Camp Half-Blood is hosting a party(stay up late till midnight for Christmas)and Percy is super nervous because he wants to get (Y/N) the perfect gift for a special occasion.

Warnings:Kinda long. A lot of POVs. Christmas and New Year's fluff/cuteness.

(S/N)-Ship name with Percy
(Y/N/N)-Your nickname


3rd POV
It was that time of year again. Where Christmas carols are heard all around and lights are seen everywhere. Snowflakes fell ever so gracefully to the ground or on the busy people in New York City.

But that wasn't the case for Percy Jackson. He was bumping into people as he ran to a certain kind of store. His friends:Grover, Jason, Frank, Leo and Nico were trying their best to catch up with him.

Once they finally caught up to Percy, he was already looking through the clear glass. His sea green eyes scanned over every one of them but none of them felt special enough.

"Dude calm down. You act like it's the end of the world." Leo said.

"I can't. Christmas is tomorrow and I need to get her the perfect one."

"We understand that Percy. It's a big thing for you and for (Y/N)."

"So just calm down." Nico concluded.

Percy took a deep breath. He was now somewhat calm but still nervous. The guys split up in the store to find the perfect one.

They spent nearly 2 hours searching for it. Percy was giving up hope of finding the one. He thought asking for permission from (Y/N)'s godly father, Apollo, was hard but finding the right one was another level of hard.

Percy scanned over the last display until his eyes stopped at a particular one. It wasn't too much. It was simple but still had a beautiful design.

"Hey guys, over here!" Percy called his friends over to where he was at.

They all came and looked at Percy's discovery.

"Well? What do you think? And be honest." Percy asked the others.

"It's the one." Jason said.

"It's perfect." Frank said.

"It's beautiful." Grover said.

"Just like (Y/N)." Nico said.

"It screams 'Pick me Percy! I'm the one!' But seriously Percy it's truly the one for her." Leo said.

Percy smiled. He finally found the perfect one for (Y/N).


Percy made sure that the small gift was in his pocket before he opened the door to his cabin only to find his girlfriend and Tyson decorating the Christmas tree. The tree was white as freshly fallen snow with blue lights hanging from it. Beautiful shades of blue ornaments hanged from the tree.

(Y/N) handed Tyson the star since he's like 6ft tall.

"Hey Percy, where have you been? (Y/N) asked innocently.

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