Chapter 14

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Percy's dream
(Y/N)'s POV
I was on my knees, drenched in sweat. My (H/C) hair stuck to my face. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I couldn't believe I fell for Luke's trap. But then again it's my fatal flaw...I'm too selfless. Curse my fatal flaw.

I was still thinking about the 'other replacement' that Luke was talking about. Was he talking about Percy? Annabeth? Thalia? It could be anyone for all I know. I started thinking about them, trying my best to ignore the painful curse that is upon me. But my thoughts were interrupted by heavy footprints.

"So how is the Apollo spawn?" A raspy voice asked.

I tiredly looked up and saw Luke and a tall buff figure. I immediatly realized that the figure was Atlas. The Titan that was suppose to carry the sky as a punishment after the Titan War. Behind them were a couple of monsters and someone else but I couldn't see who it was.

Luke came up to me and knelt in front of me. He was about to touch my cheeks but I jerked back.

"She's fading. We have to hurry." Luke said as he looked back at Atlas.

Atlas only chuckled. He motioned to the monsters. The monsters threw someone forward. My eyes widened when I saw who it was.

In celestial bronze chains on her hands and feet was Artemis. Her silvery dress was just as tattered and dirty as my clothes. Ichor was seeping out from some cuts. When she looked at me, her silvery eyes were filled with rage. She looked at Luke and Atlas.

"How dare you let a maiden carry this curse?!" She yelled angrily.

"Well then decide Artemis, you heard the boy, she's fading. Take the curse so you could save her before it's too late." Atlas said.

We made eye contact. Her silvery eyes that once were filled with rage was now filled with concern. I tried to shake my head but Artemis already made up her mind.

"Free my hands."

Luke used his sword and cut Artemis's handcuffs.

In seconds, Artemis was by my side helping me carry some weight of the sky.

"Go (Y/N)." Artemis ordered.

"No...I-I'm not leaving you here." I protested.

"Don't be stubborn (Y/N). Go." She said.

I was about to protest more when suddenly I had no energy. Next thing I know, I was on the cold ground.

"Ah Artemis, you're as predictable as always. I knew you wouldn't resist helping a maiden, not to mention your niece." Atlas said.

He looked at Luke.

"Kill the girl."

"NO!" Artemis yelled.

Luke looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. I waited for him to just end my life but it never came.

"But General, she may still be useful." Luke said.

Atlas glare at Luke.

"She has no use to us anymore. Kill her." Atlas said with more authority.

"She could be bait for the future." Luke insisted.

"Bah, fine. Take her to your ship. Let's see what Kronos thinks of what to do with her." Atlas sneered.

Luke nodded and then came up to me. He carried me away bridal style. I tried to escape or at least try to hit him but I was too tired.

"You won't find the monster you're looking for. Your plan will fail." Artemis said.

"You know nothing, goddess. Now you have to excuse me, I must make your Hunters' quest challenging enough for them." Atlas said as he walked away. His dark laugh echoed in the darkness.
~End of Dream~

Percy Jackson x Reader-The Titan's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now