Chapter 7

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Percy's POV
Artemis said that it was almost morning but it was still dark out. The Hunters broke their camp as Artemis stared into the east as if expecting something. I saw Bianca trying to explain to her brother about her decision in joining the Hunt. I could tell that Nico wasn't too happy about her choice.

Thalia, Annabeth, and Grover came up to me, wanting to know what happened with my audience with Artemis.

After I told them everything, Grover's and Annabeth's face paled.

"The last time the Hunters visited Camp Half-Blood, it didn't go well." Annabeth mumbled. Grover nodded in agreement.

"How did they even show up here in the first place? I mean, they just appeared out of nowhere." I wondered out loud.

"I can't believe she showed you (Y/N)'s past like that. And then Bianca joined them. They used (Y/N)'s past as some sort of blackmail?!" Thalia said, frustrated.

Annabeth looked at me with her stormy grey eyes.

"Hope you know what you're going to say to Apollo, Percy." She said.

To be honest, I didn't.


A few minutes later, the sky began to lighten.

"It's about time." Artemis muttered. "He is soo lazy during the winter."

I glanced at her.

I still didn't get how Apollo can drive the freakin sun. I mean I gotten used to some Greek myths being true but could he drive the sun?

"It's not what you think." Artemis said as if she read my mind.

"Um ok?" Was all I said when a burst of light and warmth came near us.

"Don't look

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"Don't look." Artemis warned. "Not until he parks."


I looked away and so did the others. It kept getting warmer and brighter. I felt like my jacket was just going to melt right off me. But then the light died down, making me look back.

A red convertible Maserati Spyder was standing in the middle of a circle of green grass, since it melt the snow. The driver climbed out.

He looked about 17 or 18. He had blonde hair and blue eyes that reminded me of Will and Luke. He wore a sleeveless T-shirt that said Keep Calm and Love Music, ripped jeans, and Nike shoes. (A/N): Idk about the outfit. Boys are like that in my school, especially Nike shoes.)His smile was just like (Y/N)'s. Apollo looked like one of those popular guys in high school that all the girls would fall for. For example....

"Wow, Apollo is hot." Thalia muttered.

Annabeth nodded while still staring at the sun god.

"Well, he is the sun god." I said.

Thalia looked at me and glared.

"That's not what I meant."

"Little sister!" Apollo greeted as he walked towards us. "What's up? You never called or write. I was getting worried."

"I'm fine, Apollo. And I am not your little sister."

Apollo pouted, playfully.

"Hey, I was born first."

"We're twins!" Artemis exclaimed. "How many millennia do we have to argue-"

"So what's up?" He interrupted, earning a glare from his sister.

"I need a favor. I have to do some hunting. Alone. And I need you to take my Hunters to Camp Half-Blood. As well as some of Chiron's campers." Artemis said as she pointed to us.

He looked at us but then noticed something.

"Wait a minute." Apollo said and pointed towards us. "I know my (Y/N) was here. So where is she? Is she hiding from me?"

No one answered. Apollo looked at Artemis, expecting for her to answer.

"Brother," Artemis said calmly. "(Y/N)...she's missing."

Apollo looked at her weirdly then looked at us as if trying to see if this was a joke or not.

"Missing? You mean she's gone."

Artemis nodded slowly, unsure on how he might react.

Apollo then glared at me. I thought I was going to die under his intense glare.

"You were suppose to take care of her!" The sun god yelled.

Apollo started to glow, about to change into his godly form.

"Apollo there is nothing you can do now. Punishing Percy won't bring (Y/N) back. Also (Y/N) wouldn't wish for this." Artemis said.

Apollo calmed down a little but still looked like he wanted to kill me.

"You're right she wouldn't." Apollo said. "Give me her bracelet. Now."

I didn't have to be told twice. I grabbed (Y/N)'s bracelet from my pocket and gave it to him.

Apollo just held the bracelet in his palm. The charm bracelet started to glow but it was probably just my imagination. The sun god closed his eyes for a few minutes;a look of concentration never left his face.

"...Evil magic is involved but she's still alive."

He opened his eyes. The bracelet's glow faded but it looked more brand new. Apollo sighed. He looked back at Artemis.

"So um transportation to Camp Half-Blood. No problem. I was just ready to roll. Let's load up then?" Apollo said, trying not to sound sad but failed miserably.

Nico looked at the two seater car before looking back at Apollo.

"How would we fit?" He asked.

"Oh um..." Apollo looked at his car before sighing.

He took out his car keys and pushed a button. The Maserati car started to glow brightly and when the light died down the car was replaced by a school bus. He looked back at us.

"Alright everyone, get in the bus." Apollo muttered.

The Hunters looked a bit surprised so did Artemis. I guess they never seen Apollo this sad. But nonetheless they started to climb onto the bus.

Artemis looked at her twin brother.

"I will see you by the winter solstice." She looked at Zoe. "Zoe, you will be in charge of the Hunters until I return."

Zoe nodded.

"Yes, my lady."

"Hey sis," Apollo said as he looked at Artemis, who gave a soft glare at him. "Try to find her...please?"

Artemis looked surprised but nodded.

"I will look for her."

Apollo nodded and then mumbled a silent 'thanks'. Artemis then knelt to the ground as if looking for any tracks.

"So much danger. This beast must be found, at all cost."

Then she sprinted towards woods, disappearing in the shadows.

(A/N): Sorry if this chapter sucked.😐Apollo's part wasn't very good and I apologize for that. It's just that I don't talk well with my dad😒and also I have so many things to do for school🙄I'll try to update later. Bye👋🏼

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