(4) finding Allen

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Allen: scrletfyre I would ask you what's going to happen but, I have this feeling that you won't.

author: damn right. I will not reveal what's going to happen as I don't want my readers to know more than I do as I want to keep them glued awaiting for the next chapter.

Kanda: scrletfyre your just evil you know that.

author (grins): I know but you guys love me for it.

Lavi: don't get me wrong scrletfyre but it seems like I don't really play a important part.

author: not really Lavi.....I am sorry but this is a story consisting between Allen and Kanda as they are the two main characters. But I will have you pop in from time to time.

Lavi: well at least you are being honest with me.

Kanda: so when do Allen and I get it on?

Allen (glares at Kanda): ......Bakada! I can't believe that you asked that!

author (grins): as I said before Kanda.......I am not telling you!

Allen: Warning, this story is rated M for mature as it will have strong language, violence, and yaoi (boy on boy) sexual content. scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim any of the characters used or featured in the D Gray-Man series as they are Katsura Hoshino.  This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah talking, italic - mermaid speech

four - finding Allen

Kanda awoke suddenly as he could hear a voice calling out to him for help. Kanda could feel it in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong.

'It sounds like its coming down from the beach.' Kanda though to himself as the voice sounded familiar to what he had heard the night before. Normally Kanda would have ignored it but he couldn't help but to feel that somebody was in trouble. Without thinking twice, Kanda tossed on a pair of shoes and grabbed Mugen before he slipped out of his room. Kanda avoided getting spotted by the guards that were patrolling as he slipped through a secret passage that he discovered as a kid that would get him in and out of the castle undetected. Kanda made his way down to the beach as the moonlight lighted the way. As Kanda made his way down to the coral rock lined beach he ended up seeing something white glistening in the moonlight. When Kanda got close enough to see what it was he gasped suddenly. There lying on the beach in a pool of blood was a petite white merboy whom was injured pretty badly. Kanda wasn't one to turn his back on anyone whom needed help. Even if this merboy wasn't human, he still needed help. Kanda carefully made his way over to the white merboy carefully picking up the injured mer bridal style. Kanda knew that he couldn't bring Allen back to the ocean because of his injures. Kanda could remember that there was an out-cove cave that held several small deep pools of water that would work. Kanda held the merboy close to his body as he seemed to fit perfectly against his body as the merboy smelled like salt, ocean water, wind, and sand. Kanda couldn't help but to notice how truly gorgeous Allen looked even though he was hurt. A jagged scar ran through his left eye. Kanda carried Allen deep into the out-cove carefully laying Allen close to the water. Kanda had to take care of treating Allen's wounds. Kanda took off his shirt ripping it up into long shreds as he carefully wrapping Allen's more serious wounds. Once Kanda was done he took off his socks and shoes before he slipped into the water holding onto Allen. Kanda began to chant an old healing chant hoping that it would help. Kanda could notice that Allen's skin coloring returned back to normal as his warmth returned. Kanda paid no special attention to Allen's all black left arm. 'He is very beautiful even if he is a mermaid.' Kanda thought to himself. Slowly Kanda drifted off to sleep still holding onto the injured merboy. As Kanda slept Allen slowly regained consciousness as he could hear a strong heart beat and feel muscular arms holding him. Allen's eyes slowly opened as he could see a tall muscular human holding onto him as they were within a pool of water that Allen could instantly tell was not ocean water. Panic kicked in as he feared the worse but when Allen tried to move he had found out that some of his wounds had been bound.

'Did this human find me and treated my wounds? How did he know how to find me? I am not going far not in the condition that I am in as I don't have enough energy.' Allen thought to himself. Allen called out to the gods mentally hoping that they could hear him. *Somebody help me please. I need energy. Please, help me!* Allen called out before he lost consciousness again to the lack of energy and his injuries. As both Allen and Kanda slept, a strange humming sound filled the cave as the sword that hung from Kanda's side began to glow. Mugen unsheathed its self flying up to the ceiling of the cave. Its razor thin blade cut through the thick rock as it cut a hole in the ceiling allowing the moonlight to enter the cave. Before the stone that it had cut free fell on top of the human and mermaid below, it flew cutting up the rock swiftly into dust. Once its work was done it flew back to its sheath as Mugen stopped humming and glowing. Several hours later Kanda awoke. His eyes drifted down to the merboy whom laid sleeping in his arms. Allen seemed to be over the worse of it. Kanda took a long deep breath before he dove down into the pool of water to lay Allen carefully on the ground. Kanda couldn't help but to admire Allen as his white body glistened in the light. Allen's coloring seemed the complete opposite of Kanda's. Kanda gently kissed the merboy on the forehead before he swam back up to the surface. Kanda climbed out of the pool placing back on his socks and shoes. Strangely Kanda didn't feel chilled after spending several hours in the water holding Allen. Before Kanda left the out-cove, he looked down at the sleeping merboy.

'Sleep well my Moyashi. I will be back to check on you in the morning.' Kanda thought to himself as he left heading back to the castle slipping back in the same way that he had slipped out.

NEXT CHAPTER..............nurse maid

Kanda (gasps): why is my sword possessed?

author: its not possessed Kanda. Why Mugen acted will be revealed all in due time.

Allen (blushes): I got to spend cuddle time with Kanda. I have a strange feeling that I may know where this story is going.

Kanda (grabs Allen): tell me!

author (grabs Allen away from Kanda): no Kanda......you will have to figure things out for yourself.

Kanda: che, your no fun scrletfyre!

author (sticks tongue out at Kanda): I wasn't meant to be.

Allen (begging): don't bring me into your fight you two. Please leave your comments and reviews.

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