(27) face off

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Kanda: now its time for us to face off against the Earl. He will die before this chapter is over with.

author: I wouldn't be too sure about that Yuu.

Allen: I for one will be grateful when this is all over.

Kanda: wait one minute scrletfyre......what do you mean that the Earl won't die by the end of this chapter.

author: I guess you have to wait and see Kanda as I don't truly plan out when this is going to all end but I know that it is coming soon.

Allen (gulps) while Kanda (snarls): ..............

Levi:  scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech], CAPS LOCK - ATTACKS

twenty seven - face off

Large explosions continued to rip through the castle as it felt like several bombs were being released within the castle. Both Kanda and Allen ran to the sight of the explosions as other people ran in the opposite direction in terror. When they finally made it to the front entrance of the castle, debris laid everywhere as half of the castle laid in ruin. People and guards laid injured as a chubby grey man with a top hat stood before them. In his hands he held a rather large sword.

"Now........I will not ask this again. Where are the sirens? Tell me as I maybe let you live." stated the chubby man. Both Mugen and Noah cursed mentally as an angry scowl crossed Allen's face.

"Earl!" shouted out Allen as he tried to restrain from using his true voice. Allen and Noah still visibly remembered what this man had done to them. Even though this was the first time that Kanda was seeing the Earl, he unsheathed Mugen from its sheath. A wide and wicked grin stretched across the Earl's face.

"Ah.....finally you are both here as it seems that your alter egos have truly unleashed their full powers and forms. It also appears that the Moonlight Siren is currently pregnant with the young. Now finally everything is in place for me to gain the ultimate power!" stated the Earl.

"This power isn't meant for someone like you. You will never learn Earl that this power is meant to protect the world not destroy it. We will not allow you to have this power no matter what." stated Mugen through Kanda.

"You must be the human siren. You are actually the first human siren that I have ever met. Tyki Mikk told me much about you Prince Yuu Kanda. He actually loved you to the point of obsession. He came to me asking for my help as he clearly knew that you were a siren as he felt that the Moonlight Siren was taking you away from him. I told him that I would help him if he would prove his devotion." stated the Earl. Allen shuttered at the thought of Tyki's name remembering what he went through. Noah pulsed angrily as he manifested on Allen's left arm.

"So you were the one behind what that human did to us. I will make sure that you pay dearly for what you have done." stated Noah through Allen. Mugen began to manifest forth as both weapons were clearly upset and angry. Allen's and Kanda's mood matched their weapons.

"It makes no difference to me Moonlight Siren. One way or another I will get the power from you and/or your young. I will see to it that this world is destroyed." stated the Earl. Kanda and Mugen moved attacking the Earl whom defended himself with his sword. Sparks and the sound of metal clashing filled the area.

"General Tiedoll get the people to safety. Allow Allen and I to handle this!" shouted out Kanda. General Tiedoll simply nodded his head as he instructed the guards that were unharmed to get those whom were injured to safety. Allen watched them as he made sure that all of the humans except for Kanda made it to safety. Once all of the humans were gone, Allen unleashed his sonic wail blasting the Earl. The Earl seemed unharmed by the blast as Allen's true voice didn't seem to effect him in the least. The Earl swung his sword around trying to catch Kanda. Both Noah and Allen moved as Noah caught the sword in its claws. Both pushed the Earl back with all of the strength that they could muster as in Allen's free hand an orb of water and wind formed as they blasted the Earl at a closer range with this attack. The Earl simply laughed at Allen's pitiful attack.

"That felt good and refreshing as I needed that." stated the Earl. This caused Allen to curse mentally. The Earl swung his sword freeing it from Noah's grip as sparks showered from Noah as it collided with the Earl's sword. Kanda rushed in with Mugen off setting the Earl's attack before he could strike Allen and Noah. Noah pulsed angrily on Allen's arm. They knew how powerful and strong the Earl was but it seemed that some how, he had grown even stronger.

*Allen unleash my full form and power. As we are right now, we hardly seem a match for him.* stated Noah. Allen didn't say anything as he lept back. Noah began to glow in a bright white light as Allen grabbed a hold of his left wrist with his right hand. As he pulled at the left arm it began to transform into a large sword (crowned clown sword form). A white jacket made up from the elements of wind, water, and light formed on Allen as now he only had one arm. Allen twirled Noah a few times in his hand as he seemed very capable of using only one hand to fight with. The same siren features that Kanda usually had when he became wet appeared on Allen. Once Noah was in its truest form and state, Allen moved attacking the Earl.

*Yuu we should follow suit. We can't allow Allen and Noah to shoulder this burden alone.* stated Mugen. Kanda said nothing as he focused willing Mugen to unleash to its full form. The earth quaked as fire erupted from the ground as Mugen transformed. The sword became black as ink as it was large and jagged. Earth crusted on its base as a dragon's skull sat on the hilt. Fire erupted from the runes that laid on the sword and from the dragon's eyes (world of warcraft, the frostmourne sword). Once Mugen was fully formed Kanda moved attacking the Earl. Fire erupted from Mugen's blade engulfing the Earl. The Earl screamed out in pain as the two sirens attacked together.

NEXT CHAPTER................sacrifice

Kanda (snarls holding Mugen's hilt): ........scrletfyre........

Allen: please don't tell me that one of us is going to be sacrificed.

author: then I won't tell you that.

Kanda: it better not be Allen whom gets sacrificed.

author: I will let you find out next time whom it is as I think I may even shock you two.

Allen: god I hate when things like this happens.

author (grins): well stayed tuned to see what happens next!

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