(24) recovery

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Allen: time for me to recover before the Earl shows up.

Kanda: scrletfyre, you better not do anything rash this chapter.

author: come on Yuu......I am not entirely evil.

Kanda & Allen (in unison): yes you are!

author (sticks out tongue): yeah and I love you too.

Lavi: god help me before they kill each other.

author: Lavi......god isn't going to be able to help you out of this one.

Lavi (gulps): scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech], CAPS LOCK - ATTACKS

twenty four - recovery

A week had gone by as Allen slowly began to open his eyes. He could feel water flowing past his gills as his mind still was a bit foggy. He could feel a pair of strong muscular arms draped over him. Panic began to kick in before he could feel Noah's presence in the back of his mind.

*Calm down Allen. We are safe. Both Yuu and Mugen had rescued us.* Noah replied. Allen could remember hearing Kanda's voice echoing to him pulling him back from death. His body was riddled with pain from the never ending torture that he had received from Tyki as the Millenium member beat and raped Allen senseless. Allen hated the fact that another human besides Kanda had touched him. *Don't worry Allen it is not your fault. We couldn't help what had happened to us. We need time to recover from what happened as Mugen has been slowly feeding us energy.* stated Noah.

*I understand Noah. Please thank Mugen for me.* Allen replied as he got comfortable wrapping his arms around Kanda gently kissing him lightly on the lips before he closed his eyes again.

While both Kanda and Allen were sleeping. Noah reached out for Mugen as the two needed to discuss their next course of action.

Mugen we need to talk. stated Noah.

I know Noah. I have had this feeling that we need to fully release the powers contained within our hosts. I think that it is time that we unleashed our truest forms. replied Mugen.

I have a feeling that you maybe right. While we were being held captive, even though I was sealed, I could feel the Earl's power. He clearly knew how to make Allen take on his human form and how to seal both mine and Allen's powers. stated Noah.

No doubt the Earl has been doing lots of research as he is close to figuring out how to gain our powers. If we don't unleash our full potential......we may face the destruction of this world. stated Mugen.

That would mean the only way we can unleash the full power is during the pregnancy cycle which has just begun. replied Noah. Both weapons knew that it would be very risky as no doubt if Allen and Kanda had sex during the pregnancy cycle that Allen would in deed become pregnant. But it was the only way that Noah and Mugen could unleash their full power within their hosts and manage to take on their truest forms.

Its a big risk but we have to do it. There is no other way. stated Mugen as both weapons came to an understanding.

Meanwhile...........back at the black tower, the Earl came down finding everyone dead as the Moonlight Siren was gone. The Earl cursed out loud angrily.

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