(6) suspicion

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author (laughing):  it looks like I have to up the anti a little bit. (grinning wickedly)

Allen & Kanda (seeing author's grin. in unison): I don't like this......

Allen: what do you think she has planned?

Kanda: nothing good that I can tell you.

author: anyway.....I claim no rights or form to D Gray-man and its characters as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely my own idea as I ask for readers to leave me their reviews telling me what they think.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah talking, italic - mermaid speech

six - suspicion

It has been one week since Kanda has been taking care of Allen. Kanda seemed more cheerful and upbeat. At times Kanda was humming a strange tune that no one heard before. The marriage arrangement between Kanda and Lenalee had been called off when Lenalee announced her love for Lavi. Lavi knew that something was up with Kanda when the prince seemed to disappear without getting spotted. Finally Lavi had cornered Kanda in his room.

"All right Yuu......I know that you are hiding something. And until you tell me what's going on, I am not letting you out of my sight." stated Lavi which caused Kanda to let out a long sigh.

"I will have to show you in order for you to understand. But under no circumstances are you to utter a word about this to anyone." stated Kanda. Lavi knew that he was being very cautious for a specific reason as Lavi agreed to the terms. Before Lavi and Kanda left the room, Kanda grew deathly pale as he struggled for air. Kanda collapsed onto his knees. Lavi rushed to Kanda's side as this wasn't the first time that Lavi has seen Kanda in this kind of condition. Suddenly a knock came on the door forcing Lavi to answer it. When Lavi saw whom it was, he snarled to himself. It was one of the king's mer-hunters, Tyki Mikk. Lavi knew that this mer-hunter was obsessed with the prince as he would leave him small trinkets of his affection. Jewelry, clothing, and food all made from mermaids. Everyone in the castle knew that ever since Kanda was a small child that he would often get sick whenever he was around the flesh or even the scales of a dead mermaid. No one clearly knew the reason to why but it never stopped Tyki from trying to show Kanda his affections. The dark skinned, dark wavy hair, and dark eye male (his Noah form without the crosses on his forehead) looked surprised to see Lavi answer the door to Kanda's room.

"Where is Prince Kanda?" asked Tyki as Lavi didn't open the door fully. Lavi had to lie and quickly.

"He's out for the day Tyki. I just came to grab a few things as he is off visiting another prospect." replied Lavi. When Tyki tried to peak inside, Lavi stepped out closing the door behind him. Lavi then noticed that the hunter was holding some vibrant colored mermaid scales. "Don't even think about leaving those here Tyki! You know full well how dead mermaids affect the prince. I will tell him that you had stopped by." Lavi snapped at Tyki. He didn't need to be a mind reader to know what Tyki was planning.

"Very well." replied Tyki as he walked off. Once Tyki was gone, Lavi reentered Kanda's room to hear the water running in Kanda's personal bath. Lavi ran to the bathroom to find Kanda totally in the bath tub, clothes and all. On the sides of Kanda's neck two small slits flapped as if they were gills. Lavi reached into the tub pulling out his friend.

"Yuu..........are you all right?" asked Lavi as the small slits seemed to close. Kanda gasped for air grateful that the smell was gone. Kanda's coloring seemed to return as he was having an easier time breathing.

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