Chapter Seventeen

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The moment Hannah arrived at work on Monday, Kat brought her crashing down from her divine cloud.

"You are unbelievable," Kat said, hiding nothing behind her glower as Hannah took her usual spot at the next desk over.

Hannah frowned. "Is there a problem?"

"Haven't you listened to anything I've told you all these months? My brother may think he's in love with you, but he's too reckless and young to know better. As for you, why are you so eager to throw your whole life away on a guy, even my brother? We were having such fun and now you're going to ruin it all."

"You're the one who introduced us, and what about my brother? You and he have been dating just as long."

"Harry and I don't have any expectations of marriage."

"We don't need your approval, Kat."

"You're not the first girl, Hannah. Two times before, I've seen silly girls throw themselves at him. Will is great for a good time, for a laugh, nothing more."

"Is that what you think of Harry?"

"Go on thinking you're something special, but I know better. Men are all the same, and you'll find that out soon enough. The fun will end in tears."

"You don't know that, and if you think Harry is just some sort of game, you're wrong. I know my own brother."

"Do you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" An uneasy sensation settled in Hannah's stomach like a rock.

"Do what you want, and I'll do the same. I hope the good times continue, but I don't think they will. You've made a bad choice, my friend," Kat said.

Hannah resented Kat's comments, but didn't say another word on the matter. She would talk with Harry and Will alone.

Work wasn't pleasant that week with Kat being distant, so Hannah ate lunch alone. She sometimes caught her ex-friend shooting glimpses at her. She wasn't one for silly games, and as Friday night drew closer, Hannah hoped that Will had been sincere in his promise to her and wasn't a game-player like his sister.

When Will pulled into the driveway that late May evening, Hannah rushed out to the car and hopped in before he could get out to open the door for her. Will's face broke into a wide grin upon seeing his fiancée, and he leaned over to plant a kiss on her lips.

"You look beautiful, as always. I see you got a new dress."

"Do you like it?"

Hannah had finally given in and purchased a new dress for dating occasions. This one was similar to the plum one, only lilac in color. She wore nothing over it, so her upper arms were exposed.

"It's a great summer dress. How was your week, my darling?"

When her smile faltered, Will's expression sobered.

"What's wrong, doll? I'm sorry about the ring-"

"It's not that," Hannah blurted. "This is stupid, but I need to know, Will. Were there other girls before me?"

Will's face darkened. "My sister got to you, didn't she?"

"Is it true? I want to hear it from you."

"I won't lie to you, Hannah. Yes, I've dated several girls before you, and yes, I was engaged twice before. That was over two years ago. I believe 'young and stupid' is the phrase I'm looking for."

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