Chapter Twelve

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Three years whittled away as Hannah carved her place in the world. After Amy and Jack wed, they travelled the country, even making a trip to Paris.

Due to Erik being off at college, Hannah saw less of him than her sister. When Erik graduated from Ohio State with his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering in the summer of 1929, he introduced his family to a young lady by the name of Lillian Weiss. Ma was the first to notice the rings on the young woman's finger, and when she turned her eyes on her eldest son in question, Erik grinned lopsidedly, saying, "I just couldn't wait."

Erik explained that while in his final semester, he had gotten engaged to and married Lillian within a month. He called her his "Lily of the Valley," proclaiming her the "most beautiful doll I've ever laid my peepers on." Hannah agreed that Lily was quite pretty with her large brown eyes and auburn hair. She was petite, a noticeable contrast from the tall Rechthart women. She graduated with a degree in nursing.

Although Hannah suspected her parents weren't particularly happy about not being told of the marriage beforehand, she didn't hear much. Erik and Lily also said they would be living in the Columbus area, already having jobs lined up, and Pa expressed his pride in his son for working hard to achieve his dreams.

Without Erik around, Harry and Hannah's relationship blossomed. When Harry graduated from high school in 1928, he decided to apprentice under his father. Pa was getting on in years and hoped for his trucking business to stay in the family.

Irma had just celebrated her seventh birthday on October 18. She remained a quiet girl who often played alone. Hannah didn't think she was as good of a role model to Irma as Amy had been for her, but she tried nonetheless to make time to spend with her younger sister.

Hannah was a senior at Benjamin Franklin High School. She kept some of the same friends she had since she was little. Elizabeth had graduated in the summer, and Abigail had moved away two years earlier.

Hannah went to school dances, mostly with her friends, but she remained unsure of ever possessing the charm her older siblings had with the opposite sex. The closest she came to a kiss happened at Homecoming when she was escorted by Jimmy Martin, and it wasn't an incident she cared to remember.

They had just finished a slow dance, and Hannah ended the song almost resting her head on Jimmy's broad chest. He was a head taller than her, what most girls called a "baby grand."

"C'mon, Hannah," Jimmy said after. "Let's ankle." He tugged on her hand with more force than expected.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a nice night out. Let's see the stars."

Hesitantly, Hannah allowed Jimmy to pull her out of the gym and down the hall to the exit. Outside, several couples lined the stairs. He led her down the steps and around the corner. At the side of the building, Jimmy pressed Hannah up against the brick wall, the shadows of the trees and bushes concealing them. He was rough with his large hands as he leaned into her.

Part of her mind told her to push him away. He had the reputation of being an easy-talker with any young woman who would give him the time of day. Hannah had been too consumed with Jimmy's smooth-talking ways when he had asked her to the dance.

As if on cue, Louisa's voice cut in at that heated moment: "Leave off! Hannah, what are you doing?"

Startled, Jimmy backed away and smirked slyly at Hannah before sauntering off. He winked at Louisa as he walked past her. "Tough luck, doll. Maybe next time."

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