oh crap

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The cover was made by stilinski_stilesxox

She is my bestie and dylan o brien is her life

Bayleas pov

As we were on our way to the institute to get arrows for alec.

I started talking about teen wolf and how it was my life and of course alec didnt give a two fuck flying f
Shit about it.

But i didnt really care i just continued rambling before i knew it alec had pushed me again a wall and his soft warm lips crashed down unto mine.

He pulled away and i was speechless and he looked at me with a grin on his face and said '' oh thank the angels i thought you would never fucking shut up ''.

I spoke feeling smug '' well you do know how to shut a girl up.
Ugh have i gotta do every fucking thing.
say alec so u wanna by any chance go out with me and if you say no bad luck cause bitch i slay .''

Alec replied with a grin on his face and said yes i would love to and yes you do slay ''.

We walked to the institute with our hands laced together.

We went through the back well alec did and i just followed him like a creepy stalker even though i wasn't actually stalking him

We arrived at the training rooms and alec went over to a wall clicked some kind of keypad and a cache of weapons came out.

I went over to grab some throwing knife but before i could touch anything alec slapped my hand away and i hissed at him but he just smirked.

He brought out some arrows and started to rune over them in complete concentration.

I walked over to him feeling confident pushed him against a wall and kissed passionately i could feel him smile against the kiss and i just smiled back.

I had light footsteps then they came to a halt then i heard someone clear their throat awkwardly i pulled away from alec and said '' oh crap. Hey hodge '' really awkwarkdly.

Alec was trying to say something but failed and i thought it was really cute the way he stuttered and i couldn't help but smile to myself.

Hodge stopped alec before he could say anything and said '' dont tell me so i wont have to report you ''

Hodge was about to leave when alec said '' thank you hodge ''.

Hodge turned to alec but him hand behind his neck and brought him close to his face and said '' you know alec you remind me of me. Always in the shadow of the chosen one. Dont make mistake see where that got me .''

He said pointing to his neck and with that he left and i let out a sigh of relieve and said '' so about our date what day should it be cause i sure as well cant be tonight ''.

Alec looked confused and said '' why ''.

I replied shaking my head and said '' i gotta sleep ''.

Induced Love//alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now