An Ordinary Day

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A day is like any other for Shigeo Kageyama; also known as "Mob." He's a talented esper who fights against evil spirits alongside with his teacher, Reigen Arataka. As time passes through his constant routine of going to school and ridding evil spirits, he rarely focused on what he truly wants to be in life. Although, Mob believes that there is more to it than being an esper.

"Here's your paycheck." Reigen stated as he hands Mob a small amount of yen.

"Ah, Thank you..." Mob quickly bowed.

"What's the matter? You don't sound like yourself." Reigen asked.

"It's nothing, teacher. I've been feeling a bit uneasy at school, that's all." Mob explained.

"Perhaps it's an evil spirit you're sensing. Has anything been haunting you lately?" Reigen questioned the young boy as he closed the window shades and crossed his arms.

"No." He simply answered.

"Got any exams comin' up?"


"Oh! I got it!" Reigen snapped his fingers as he flashes a smile.

"What is it?" Mob tilted his head to the side, curious of Reigen's new guess.

"You've been using your powers, haven't you?"

"Well, yes." Mob nods.

"That's the problem right there! I knew I would have to tell you this at some point but I waited until this very moment."

Reigen took a deep breath as he exhales.

"Mob, you must learn to conserve your powers. Only use them when necessary. Don't overuse them. If you do, then you may experience unpleasant things such as back pain, muscle aches, nauseousness, or even drowsiness. Being an esper is a part of you. If you continue to consume that part of you, it will drain you." He informed Mob.

"Ah, I get it now. Is that why you rarely used your powers?" Mob smiled as he continues to understand Reigen's explanation.

"Yes! That's exactly why I don't use it as often! I only use my powers when I sense a high level spirit! It requires an extended amount of great power like mines to get rid of them!" Reigen flashes a smile as he stroked his chin.

"But.... I don't get it either..." Mob frowned.

"What don't you get?"

"This feeling has never happened before. I've never felt any back pain or muscle aches. In fact, I don't have any muscles." Mob began to sweat as Reigen's explanation starts to confuse him.

"AH! D-Don't overthink about it too much! You're probably going through puberty! Yeah! That's why you have yet to experience back pain or muscle strain! After all, you're still young! And that's why you have me!" Reigen concluded.

"Oh, I see." Mob stopped worrying as he smiled once again.

"Yep! Problem solved! Don't worry about it!" Reigen assured him.

"Then I guess I'll head home now. Thank you for helping me, teacher." Mob bowed as he grabbed his blue bag and strolled out of Reigen's office.

"Anytime, kid." Reigen waves him goodbye as he begins to count his money.

When Mob reached home, he still had that feeling following him. It was nighttime when Mob entered his house. He took off his shoes and set them aside by the door.

"Hey, you're back."

Mob looked up to be greeted by his younger brother Ritsu who stood in front of him with a warm grin.

"How's school?" Ritsu asked.

"Good." Mob displayed a small smile as he walked pass Ritsu.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Mob replied as he made his way to his room.

"Well, if you want to talk to me, you know where to find me." Ritsu announced as Mob nods and shuts the door.

Mob changes into his usual striped pajamas and laid on the floor with one hand towards the ceiling. He used his telekinetic power to lift his blue bag, attempting to study his body's reaction towards the use of his abilities. He didn't feel different from before. It's always been the same that way. He thought of Reigen's words, attempting to align it with his uneasy feeling. It was as if he couldn't breathe.

"What's bothering me?" He asked himself as he blankly stares at the ceiling.

He dropped his bag on the floor as he allowed his hands to fall freely side by side.

Having this weird feeling felt like a huge burden he couldn't lift. Instead, he decided to have good thoughts about his crush Tsubomi whom he liked ever since they were kids. He thought of the time he used his powers to impress her. To Mob, Tsubomi can be the answer to leading a good life without relying on is telekinetic abilities. He longs to see the day when he finally walks home with Tsubomi rather than walking alone.

"One day, I'll definitely confess to her." Mob sighed as he felt at peace once again as he closes his eyes and drift off to sleep.

A/N:Mob Psycho 100 belongs to One.

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