The Usual

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The next day, Mob walked to school alone in the cold morning with a scarf. He couldn't stop sneezing after he caught a small cold from yesterday yet he didn't let it bother him. He hasn't seen you yet but figured that you had already gone to school. As he reached the entrance gate of Salt Middle School, he noticed Tsubomi walking with her group of friends to school, greeting one another. 

"Still cute as always." Mob compliments from afar with a bright smile and red glowing cheeks.

During school, Mob hasn't seen you today. He wondered if you were dragged into the club to slack off or develop hobbies in that room. Without another thought, during lunchtime, Mob went straight to the Telepathy Club room. As he stood in front of the door with his bento in hand, he knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door.

"Ah! Mob! Just the right person I wanted to see!" The female with long lower lashes cheerfully exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm actually looking for the new student (Name). Have you seen her today? I just want to stop by to say hi." Mob explained in a calm and polite tone as always.

"She's eating lunch in her classroom but how about we talk about getting you in as a new member of our Telepathy Club?" She offered as she blinked to show her charisma towards Mob which he seemed unfazed by it.

"Alright then. Tell her I said hi." Mob smiled as he turned to leave.

"W-Wait! Don't you want to---"

"Sorry but I'm not really interested." Mob interrupted before she slackened her jaw with a shocking expression.

From there on, the young boy went in search of eating somewhere alone in school. The upper levels were way too cold so he decided to stay in the lower levels. He returned back to his class and sat down to eat his lunch. 


"Mom, do I really have to go to the doctors today?" You quietly spoke through the phone.

"Yes! I strongly recommend you go! Right after you get out of school, I'll pick you up and take you there." Your mother demanded in a strict tone.

"But it's so boring over there--"

"Young lady, I will not tolerate your attitude any longer. We're going to see the doctor and that's that." She interfered.

".... Okay..." You obliged as you dropped your head downwards.

"Good. I'll see you then. And I don't want to hear any more complaints, you hear me?" She warned.


"Bye." Your mother says as she hangs up the phone.

You groaned as soon as you hear the click of the phone. You didn't want to go to the doctors today. Your mother would send you to the clinic twice a year to check up on your health. Your family believes that you have a serious brain injury for a long time. From there, your family treated you like a fragile flower yet you wanted to be treated as a normal child. 

"This is gonna suck." You shook your head in disappointment. There was absolutely nothing wrong with you at all. 

When school ended, you quickly showed up at the Telepathy Club meeting to tell them you aren't able to attend as they understand your situation after a brief explanation. As you walked outside the school, you see a familiar car pull up to a curb. You closed your eyes in annoyance as you made your way towards the car. 

"Hurry up! We haven't got all day!" Your mother shouted as you started running.

Once you got in the car, you latched on your seat belt and stared at the window. There, you witnessed Mob coming out of the school, walking on his own. Unfortunately, he didn't notice you and carried on like normal.

"What's wrong?" Your mother asked as she switched the gear onto drive.

"When can I stop going to the clinic?" You wondered.

"Well, as long as you take your daily medicine, you will eventually stop." She informed you.

"...... Okay..." You leaned against the window, constantly staring out, watching familiar faces pass by as they walked on the cement. 


"Well, Mob? How do you feel now? You okay?"

"Yes, teacher. I feel better now." 

"That's good to hear! Now let's get down to business!" 

Reigen guides Mob as they walk alongside together in search of disposing evil spirits for clients. Mob wouldn't stop sneezing as he sniffed and rubbed his nose.

"Oi Mob, did you catch a cold?" Reigen asked.

"Kinda." Mob replied.

"It could be that a spirit is following us." Reigen guessed.

"I don't sense any spirits close by." 

"R-Right! I was just kidding with ya! But seriously though, take care of that cold, would ya?" Reigen replied as they continued onward.

"Yes, teacher."

Mob! What Do You Want? (MobxReader)Where stories live. Discover now