Teleportation Magic

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"(Name)....?" Mob quirked an eyebrow. It sounded familiar however he couldn't quite grasp the memory.

"Yes! And I am here to convince you to join the Telepathy Club!~" You cheered.

".... Ah, they must've told you to find me." Mob figured.

"W-What? Well, they begged me to join their club since no one else wanted to." You nervously answered.

"So they sent you to convince me." Mob concluded.

"That's right." You nodded.

"B-But you're the real deal, right? I saw you purify that spirit just now so---"

"I'm sorry but I made a commitment not to use my powers starting today.... Although I just used it." Mob sighed in disappointment, staring into the orange sky.

"How come?" You asked.

"I'm not feeling well today so I try not to use telekinesis as much." He quickly explained.

"Oh, okay. Sorry for bothering you." You turned away, feeling embarrassed as she took a couple steps towards the direction Mob was going to.

"Are you heading home?" Mob questioned you as he followed from behind.

"Ah, yeah it's this way." You pointed in a straight direction.

"So did you join any other clubs?" He wondered.

"I joined the News Club. That's pretty much it. How about you?" You answered as you swayed your arms back and forth with your bag.

"I haven't joined any yet." He calmly responded.

"Well, if you feel like joining the Telepathy Club, feel free to tell me anytime." You informed him.

"Are you an esper?" Mob asked.

"Oh yes! I can do teleportation!" You answered as you stopped in your tracks and paused for a moment.

"I can show you! Hold on a sec." You closed your eyes as Mob waited for her to amuse him. 

You took a deep breath and tensed up your shoulders. 

"Teleportation magic go!" You point straight towards Mob's nose as he swiftly leans away.

You then exhaled as you began to laugh.

"Did I surprise you?" You giggled as Mob's cheeks turned red.

Mob felt like he knew what she was doing. He felt like he's experienced this kind of thing with a girl before.

"I was just kidding! Sadly, I'm not an esper." Your laugh dies out as you wipe a small tear from your eye.

"So you can't do teleportation?"

"Of course not! Ahahaha! I'm just a regular human being!" You raised your arms horizontally, showing that you were no different than the rest of the people who can't do telekinesis.

"Ah, I see." Mob smiled.

During the way home, Mob seemed interested in the topics you shared with him. He enjoyed having a conversation with you. His worries of the deep feeling seemed to have gone away as he continued to talk to you. 

"Welp! This is my last stop." You noted.

"Alright then. It was nice talking to you, (Name)." Mob waved.

"Bye! See you tomorrow!" You returned the same gesture as you entered your home.

When Mob returned home, he slipped off his shoes and set down his bag. He felt his stomach area, showing no signs of concern about his troubled feelings.

"It must have subsided." Mob commented as he continued on to his room.

"Ah, nii-san, you're home early." Ritsu greeted.


"Have you heard? (Name) finally moved back into this city." Ritsu informed Mob.

"Um, who was she again?" Mob anxiously asked as he scratch his head.

"Well, she used to play with us when we were around 4 or 5. She always joked about how she can do her teleportation magic thingy or whatever. You remember that, right?" Ritsu explained.

"....... I do now." He responded as he felt the unbearable heavyweight feeling disappear.

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