Different Paths

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The next day, Mob nervously stood in front of the telepathy club room, rubbing his nose. Though Ritsu suggested that he stay in bed, Mob insisted on going to school since he felt a little better. He hesitantly raised his fist to knock the door however, he heard a loud cry coming from the other side. 

"B-but you can't do that!" Tome argued.

"The Body Improvement Club will take this room since you all are incapable of making any progress for helping the school with fundraising. You're all just playing house." A strict tone spoke.

"I'm so sorry but this club means everything to our President. Please give us another day to find one more member." 

Mob hears your apologetic voice behind the door.

"No can do. You're all wasting time playing games and eating junk food. Take your things and leave at once." 

Out of instinct, Mob swiftly opens the door to interrupt the tight situation. There, everyone in the room laid eyes on him as he sniffed.

"Uh, s-sorry but, did I come in a bad time?" Mob anxiously mumbled as he hid behind the slightly opened door.

"Ah! Here's our newest member! Right, Shigeo?!" Tome desperately shouted as she gave Mob an intense stare.

This is a matter of life and death, Shigeo! If you don't join now, God knows what'll happen to this significant club!

"Uh, r-right." Mob slowly steps in the room to join the group, bowing towards Tome.

"Thank you for having me." Mob cleared his throat as he turned to the student council member.

"I would like to say something if I may." The president of Body Improvement club announced.


"The Telepathy Club may share this room with us. We are willing to have them stay if they like." He proposed.

"R-Really!?" Tome's eyes gleamed as her cheeks reddened, admiring the President's generosity.


"Well, if that's the case then I'll be leaving. No horsing around!" The student council member sternly warned Tome as he left the room, tightly shutting the door.

"Achoo." Mob softly sneezed, followed by a sniff.

You quickly reached for a tissue paper to offer it towards Mob as he gently accepts it.

"Thank you." He smiled warmly as he stood in the center of attention, standing between two separate clubs. 

It went quiet for a moment before the President of the body improvement club spoke.

"Hey, you're alright?" He asked.

"Yes." Mob kept his smile.

"Mob! Here's the form! Sign it to officially become one of us!" Tome exclaimed as she rushed for the sheet of paper along with a pen.

"Oh, right..." Mob's smile fades as he was given the form.

As he signed his name and information on the form, he noticed you were speaking to the President of the Body improvement club, thanking them for their sheer kindness for sharing the room.

"No problem, miss. We often do our daily training outdoors." He replied. 

"If I may, could I get a picture of you and your fellow club members? This is for the News club and I'd like to put you all in the yearbook." You happily took out your camera from your bag as the kind agreed. Mob watched you closely as you focused the lens, keeping the small device calm and steady as you snapped a couple pics of the group. 

"Thank you." You bowed as they nodded.

Mob noticed how built the members of the body improvement club were. He soon realized a time when his beloved crush Tsubome made a reasonable statement about his capabilities. She mentioned that there is more than just having telekinetic powers. Therefore, Mob gathered up the courage to walk up to the group of macho men.

"I would like to improve my body, sir." Mob bent over, bowing towards their president. 

"Hm? You want to join?" He asked.

"Yes, please allow me to." Mob lowered his head.

"You may!" The president smiled as the rest of the team members cheered for they welcomed a new member.

"Ah, thank you---"

For some reason, Mob felt a sharp pain on his temple as he falls to his knees. Everyone rushed to the young boy's side as he slowly collapsed in the arms of the President. 

"Shigeo! Are you alright?" He heard Tome call out to him before he blacked out once again.


After long hours of sleep, Mob found himself awakened in the nurse's office. He stared at the window to be greeted by the cold wind seeping through the small crack of the window beside him. 

"Hey, you're finally up." 

Mob followed the sound of the familiar voice, revealing to be you appearing with a small cup of water.

"They told me to stay here and watch you after you passed out. You feeling okay?" You explained.

"Kinda... How long have you been here?" Mob asked.

"About 20 minutes. You were out cold." You responded as you shut the window tight, noticing the small breeze flowing from outside.

"Here." You hand him the small cup as he accepted it.

"So, what made you want to join the Body Improvement Club?" You curiously asked as you patiently waited for Mob to finish his cup.

"It's only for personal reasons... Ever since I was little, I don't know what my true talent is." Mob explained.

"But you're good at purifying spirits. I saw you do it." You crossed your arms and sat down on the bed beside Mob.

"The thing is, that's all I'm good at. If you take away my powers, what will be left of me?" Mob asked, leaving you to think hard about his conflict.

"I see. So, you want to improve your body strength because your powers can't do that?" You hypothesized.

"Hn." He nodded in response.

"..... Maybe I should join too." You insisted.

"We can do it together." Mob suggested.

"Yeah! We can be jogging buddies or something!" You giggled as he agreed to that statement.

"Let's do our best, (Name)." Mob grinned brightly.

You happily nodded in return. You didn't plan too join the body improvement club just because Mob wanted to. You wanted to prove to your family that you're capable of moving freely and that you're no longer fragile or incapable of doing things that normal children can do. You wanted your mother to stop her overprotective love for you. You wanted a healthy free life with no boundaries. You wanted to search for freedom, whereas Mob was searching for his talent to impress the girl of his dreams. You were both aiming for a goal in life, hoping to reach it one day where there's no boundaries in love and life.

Mob! What Do You Want? (MobxReader)Where stories live. Discover now