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Mob didn't feel nervous after hearing your shaken voice. If someone were to attain such abilities to manipulate the space around them, they can manipulate the world to their own command. For someone like that blonde ring leader to have telekinetic powers like Mob, it would be dangerous for anyone involved. 

"Ah, so he is." Mob simply replied with his usual kind smile. 

"Y-You're not afraid of him?" You stuttered, shocked to see his calm state.

"Hey so, where would you like to travel one day?" Mob asked. He continued walking to school with you as you hesitantly followed him. His question caught you off guard as this was a complete subject change for you. You took a moment to process his question before thinking about where you would really like to go.

"Uh, I guess anywhere that has a nice beach. Why?" You answered.

"Oh that's really nice (name). Say, what is your favorite color and why?" He asked.

"Why are you asking me these questions?" You wondered as he listened.

"I'd like to know more about you." Mob casually responded. 

"... I mean, I guess."  You shook off the worry of Mob disregarding the dangerous ring leader. You told him your favorite color, causing his face to brighten up.

"Wow, how interesting, (name)! That color is my favorite too! I think it's a nice color." Mob nodded his head, agreeing with your statement.

During the way to school, Mob kept asking you questions, one by one, as you answered them all. You became a little suspicious when you noticed that Mob didn't bring his bag like usual. He was wearing a backpack. Also, he never sticks one hand in his pocket. Since you've reached school a bit early, Mob sat down on the wooden bench and continued asking questions. You stood in front of him as he gave you his undivided attention like usual.

"Have you ever dated someone?" Mob asked.


"Have you ever dated someone?" He repeated.

"Okay time out. What is going on here?" You zoned out as he remains the same.

"What do you mean? I wanna get to know you." He shrugged with his grin.

"Mob, take your hand out of your pocket." You sighed, shaking your head as you rest your hands on your hips.

"What? Oh..." His face began to flush as he tried to shuffle his hand out. His pockets were small, giving his hand a hard time pulling out.

"What's in your hand?" You decided to reach for his hand that was stuck in his pocket.

"N-Nothing!" Mob slightly struggled. He tried to contract his muscles to keep his hand stiff like a statue but he remembered that he doesn't have any muscles.

You finally managed to pull out his hand where a yellow sheet of paper was folded in half. You quickly skimmed the paper to see that it was a list of questions. You recognized some of them in which he asked. He quickly ripped the paper away from you and shoved it back in his pocket.

"Mob, what was that?" You raised a brow as he tried to calm his red cheeks.

"W-What? Oh that? It was my to-do list. I have some things to do at home." He lied.

"You can't fool me forever, Mob. I'm not stupid." You crossed your arms, looking away.

"Okay okay. I just thought it was a better way to understand you when you have, y'know, a lot of things going on." Mob hesitantly explained. His face couldn't get any red than now, as he scratched his cheek while wearing a shy smile. All this time, Mob was simply worried about your wellness. He genuinely wanted to get to know you better. However, your feelings got the best of you as you avoided eye contact from him, wearing a defeated face.

"Thanks, Mob. I appreciate it a lot." You nodded as you understood his motives. 

"Why did you wear your backpack today? You deciding to switch it up a little today?" You asked.

"Ah, Master Reigen wanted me to bring some heavy things today for work so I have to drop them off after school.

"... It didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to be." You took a deep breath.

"What do you mean? Oh... Your mom?" He figured as he read your sudden expression.

"Yeah, I tried talking to her but it got worse. I don't want to sever my ties with my mom. I really want us to work it out but I just can't quite figure her out. She's really frustrating to talk to." You explained. Mob rests his hand on your shoulder, slightly patting.

"Don't worry, (name). It gets better in the future, I promise you that. You just need to push yourself a little bit more." He encouraged you. 

"What if it doesn't work?" 

The school bell began to ring as more and more students passed by to enter school.

"Meet with me here right after school. I wanna take you out on a date." Mob casually replied.

"Wait what?" You watched him as he went to school first. You tried following him until he had to go in a different direction in the hallway.

"I'll be waiting for you outside." He says before parting ways with you inside the building. You had to go to the opposite direction to attend your classroom, still feeling clueless of his behavior. 

A/N: Hi, this was a pretty short chapter but I have a lot of time now so I'll be able to update as much as possible. Stay positive and thank you all!

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