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"Hey do you have anything I can wear?" Gigi asked, twirling around my room

"She sleeps in tank tops and booty shorts, seems like your style" Gabriel said then threw himself onto my bed with a small bounce

Gigi raised a brow at me and smirked

"They are comfortable and they're not booty shorts,  they're pajama shorts" I said rolling my eyes

After rummaging through my closet I threw Gigi a nude tank top and one of the very few long pajama pants

Just because

Then Gigi started stripping in the middle of my room

"Um what're you doing!?" I shrieked

She looked at me weirdly "changing duh"

"But." I said pointing to Gabriel, he leaned on a few throw pillows with his hands behind his head

"I'm more into brunettes" he said

Gigi laughed and shook her head, putting on the tank top "yet you still slept with Jaime"

I choked on air, my hands going to my neck


"Jaime?" I wheezed "as in Jaime from when we went camping?"

Gigi nodded then sashayed towards the bathroom and once again I was alone in the same room with Gabriel

Twice in one day

That's a record

I looked at him

He looked at me

"so" I began awkwardly "why, Jaime?" I tried to ignore the jealousy that seeped into my voice

"Would you rather it was you?" he asked, then looked at me as I glared at him "she was available"

"but like why?" I asked

He sat up and pushed himself towards the headboard "you wouldn't understand why"

"try me" I begged and sat on the corner of my bed

"Tif-ugh" he ran a hand through his hair "it's none of your business why"

"I'm curious" I told him

I respect his privacy, I really do

But I have to know

We looked at each other for a moment and I had to ask "when was it?"

"the day you guys slept over " the tension in the air rose

Gigi came into the room without makeup, she looked less cheap whore and more teenage girl

Gigi's makeup skills aren't exactly the best but at least she's trying

"You look nice without makeup" I said then went into the bathroom and dressed in my pajamas

When I came out they were sitting on my bed with the TV on

I took a spot on the left,  closest to the door that separates me from the twins

The tv displayed a recent episode of Family Guy

Gabriel got up and turned off the lights, leaving only the television to illuminate the room

After about five minutes into the show my eyes started to droop, I took this as a sign and shuffled under the blanket until I was comfortable

Somehow, even with the background noise, and the baby monitor clutched in my arms,  I fell asleep

When I woke up the room was pitch black, the baby monitor let out a low scream in my hand my leg was thrown over someone and their arm holding me, Gabriel, it was Gabriel

I didn't have to see to tell, his intoxicating scent chilled my core and as much as I wanted to stay in the position I couldn't

I pulled away and stood up walking towards the double doors quickly shutting it behind me

I unsuccessfully tried to rub the tiredness from my eyes "hey babies" I said in a sleepy voice

A few minutes later they were both in my arms being fed as I sat back in a rocking chair staring at the ceiling

The door creaked briefly, Gabriel leaned against the door frame

"Need help?" He asked me and like a gentleman his eyes never strayed downwards, he should be used to it by now

"Not yet" I replied

He nodded then walked more into the room leaning back against a dresser

Awkward much

"So, hows your job going?" I asked him

He crossed his arms and shrugged "I quit"

I lifted my head up and gave him my attention "what? When?

"Right now" he answered

I cocked my head to the side confused "whaaa...?"

"It wasn't my thing"

"You were a cook, you like cooking"

"Not for other people"

"You cook for me"

"Yea, cause you don't know how to do it yourself"

"Touche, so should I pay you then Mr.cook?" A tired smirk grew on my face

"I mean I'm not gonna complain or anything if you do" He said

I laughed

He laughed

The babies finished and I passed a bloated Mason to Gabriel

"They're Getting heavy" I said

Gabriel nodded and took a small baby towel placing it on his shoulder, seems he learned his lesson

The silence returned and curiosity exploded in my chest

"So, how did it happen?" I asked and looked for his reaction

He sucked his teeth and threw his head back

"What? It's nice to hear gossip that isn't about me for once and suck your teeth at me again watch what happens" I threw him a glare as he raised an eyebrow at me

He fixed Mason in his arms then sighed "fine" 

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