Chapter 1 Into the Underground

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"Don't you know how to greet a new pal? C'mon, shake my hand." The voice sent shivers down Frisk's back. She had fallen into the Underground, a place filled with monsters who wanted to capture her and any other humans who fell, and she was about to have her first encounter with one of these monsters. The only other monster she'd met was the friendly goat Toriel she'd met and left behind in the Ruins. She knew a lot about monsters and their history, she had studied it in school, but that didn't make her any more prepared for an encounter with a potentially hostile one. She silently prayed that this monster was friendly, and turned around. In an instant, she was lying in a snow bank, staring at the skeleton in front of her. He was dressed in a white shirt, basketball shorts and a blue hoodie, and he had a ridiculous smile plastered on his face. He stuck out his hand, unfazed at Frisk's reaction to him. "Sup kiddo, I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton. Here, let me help you up." She hesitantly took his hand, marvelling at the connecting bones that felt cool to the touch. "Y-you're a skeleton..." She stuttered, pointing out the obvious. "Yeah, and you're a human. One who seems to not have a name." She shook her head in disbelief while Sans pulled her up. "It's Frisk." She said, brushing snow off of her back. "It's nice to see someone friendly around here, you are friendly right?" Sans chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you or anything. Even if I had to, I couldn't be bothered." He let go of Frisk's hand, and looked at her with the pinpricks he called eyes. His smile turned into a concerned frown "Hey, you don't have a place to stay, do you?" Frisk shook her head and he began to walk down the snowy path, "Well, you can come over to my place to warm up if you want. I'm heading there now." Frisk scrambled after him, a grateful smile lighting up her face. "Thanks, I'd like that." "No problem kid."The two continued down the path, and soon Sans started a conversation. "You know, if you'd taken my hand, you would have triggered this big joke." He said, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Really?" Frisk asked, "Do you joke a lot?" Sans smiled cheesily, "Yeah, I joke." he said with a wink "Some might even say I joke a ton. A skele-ton!" Frisk covered her mouth as she giggled at the terrible pun, and the two talked and told jokes until they reached Snowdin.

The town of Snowdin was quiet and small, with rows of little houses lined up beside the street, and an outdoor shopping space in the centre of town. Frisk didn't really have time to appreciate it's beautiful simplicity though, she was too tired. After Sans unlocked the door to his house, she practically ran in, savouring the warm air on her wet back. Out of the window, she noticed two mailboxes outside of the house, one was empty, and the other was overflowing with envelopes. She looked at Sans quizzically, and he shrugged. "Junk mail. Now sit down, I'll be right back with some hot chocolate." Sans disappeared into what Frisk assumed was the kitchen, and she flopped onto the couch. She found a comfortable spot on the couch and took in her surroundings, she was in a little house fit for a little town. The living room was orange and green and red, with two couches, a little TV, and a very conveniently shaped lamp. The kitchen wasn't visible from where she was lying, but she could see a small dining table. The second floor was also visible from where she was, and three rooms were hidden behind closed doors, one was Sans's room, a bathroom, and one that was a mystery to Frisk. As she began to think, the reality of the situation she was in dawned on her. "I'm sitting on a couch countless feet underground, surrounded by monsters that may or may not want to kill me, and now I'm about to be served hot chocolate by a skeleton. Why do these things happen to me?" She asked out loud. "Everything happens for a reason" Sans said, walking into the room carrying two mugs. Frisk blushed, "Oh sorry, I was just talking to myself." Sans nodded, "I do that sometimes. Here, have some hot chocolate, it'll take your mind off of it. I got this recipe from the bunny down the street. It was a while ago, now we don't talk much. Now she's just some-bunny that I used to know." He smiled, clearly proud of his pun, and Frisk smiled back at him. "We're doing animal puns now? Well, toucan play that game!" Sans laughed and took a sip of his hot chocolate, letting out a sigh afterwards. Frisk did the same, savouring the sweet warm drink. Afterwards, she looked at Sans with childlike curiosity. "How do you drink hot chocolate if you have no lungs or throat? It makes no sense." Sans shrugged, "Never bothered to ask anyone, and besides, this is the Underground, nothing makes sense." Frisk silently agreed with him, and they continued to talk until both of their mugs were empty. Sans picked them both up and put them on the kitchen counter, "So, about you not having anywhere to stay..." before the skeleton could continue, Frisk heard a rattling at the door as someone on the other side unlocked it. "Who's that?" Frisk asked. "Oh that's just my brother Papyrus" Sans said. Despite Sans's calm demeanour, Frisk started to get a little worried. "Your brother is okay with humans, right?" Sans thought for a second, which only make Frisk more worried. "Well, he really wants to be a part of the royal guard that protects the Underground, and he may or may not want to capture a human to prove that he's worthy of the job..."  Frisk shot up from her chair, "What! He's going to capture me?" Sans shrugged, "Maybe, depends on what mood he's in. Don't worry, he'll let you go in the end, he's a real softie. Just don't fight him or anything." Frisk bit her lip but nodded. "I would never." She thought about hiding, but the front door opened before she could do anything. A tall skeleton dressed up in a silver and orange costume walked into the house, well, Frisk thought everyone was tall since she was so short for her age, but he was extremely tall. He instantly noticed Frisk, and dropped the bag he was holding. "OH MY GOD SANS, IS THAT A HUMAN?" Papyrus said to his brother. "No." he replied, "That's a rock."  Papyrus looked over to where his brother was pointing, and saw a little rock on the table. "NO, NOT THAT! THERE'S A HUMAN RIGHT THERE! DIDN'T YOU NOTICE?" Sans looked over to me grinning, clearly loving every second of what was going on. "Oh, I guess you're right, there is a human here. This is Frisk, Frisk, this is Papyrus." Frisk gave Papyrus a nervous smile, and stood up straight. "WELL HUMAN, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL CAPTURE YOU SO I CAN FINALLY BE A PART OF THE ROYAL GAURD!  NOT TO MENTION THAT I'LL BE SUPER POPULAR!" Papyrus took a step towards Frisk, but Sans stepped in front of him "Hey bro, no need to be like that, we can just talk for a bit and..." "NO BROTHER!" Papyrus interjected, I HAVE TO DO THIS! COME HUMAN I WILL TAKE YOU TO THE CASTLE!" Frisk shook her head, "No?" She said to him, not understanding why the skeleton wanted her to just come with him and willingly be captured. Papyrus seemed surprised, but his confident smile didn't waver. "VERY WELL THEN HUMAN, WE'LL HAVE TO DO THIS THE HARD WAY!" Papyrus began to glow orange, and the same coloured light  covered Frisk. She couldn't scream, she wouldn't, but she took a step back, afraid of what the orange aura would do to her. But after a flash of light, the aura was gone, and Papyrus, Sans, and Frisk were in a wide open field, covered by light snow. Papyrus's eye glowed orange, and a dozen bones flew out from the ground and surrounded him "I'M SORRY IT HAS TO BE LIKE THIS HUMAN" he said to her "SURRENDER OR BE CAPTURED!"

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