Chapter 19 Cinderella

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For a large portion of the day, Frisk had been out of the house. She had eaten at home in the morning, and went to the shopping centre in the afternoon. She stopped by the arts store to return the manual she had gotten to study from, and then she went shopping. When it was early, the centre wasn't busy, and it was a nice break from the crowds of people, many of them often staring at Frisk. She walked down the street, and now it seemed like she could notice couples holding hands or sharing a nice cream even more than usual. But it's not like Frisk could mope about being single, everyone assumed that she was with Sans. They said that they were a cute couple, and even though Sans was an idiot from time to time, people thought that he was her idiot. But the more Frisk walked past the shops, the more she realized that maybe she really did want to be with Sans. She mulled things over, but soon shook the thoughts out of her head. Come on Frisk! She thought, It's your birthday, nows not the time to think about this! Eventually, Frisk found a boutique on the outskirts of the shopping centre that had a lavender dress with delicate lace at the bottom and the shoulders in the window. She waled into the store, and she recognized the shop owner from a few encounters at Grillbys. She nodded to the shopkeeper "Hello Tsunderplane!" Frisk said warmly. The monster smiled, she couldn't nod since she was just a plane with a face and hair. "Eeeew, h-human!" Tsunderplane said before clearing her throat, "Uh, I mean, hello human, are you looking to buy something?" Frisk pointed towards the mannequin that had the lavender dress "Yes, I was wondering how much that lavender dress was." The shopkeeper thought for a moment. "This is the only dress of it's kind, I made it myself, it's 250 gold." Frisk bit her lip, it was way too expensive. She also wondered how Tsunderplane had made a dress when she didn't have hands. "But..." Tsunderplane continued, "I know that it's your birthday, and I cannot come to your party, so consider it a gift from me to you." Frisk's eyes lit up, "Really? Thank you so much, I would give you a gigantic hug if you weren't behind the counter!" Tsunderplane blushed a little, "What, don't do that! It's not like I like you!" Frisk laughed, "Of course not."  Frisk got permission to move the mannequin into the back room of the boutique that was filled with dresses and other mannequins, and she took the dress off of the mannequin and put it into a paper bag that Tsunderplane had given to her. She checked the clock on the wall, it was almost time of the party to start, she hadn't realized that it was past 12:00! Frisk scurried out of the boutique "Thank you, I'll be sure to come back!" She said as she closed the door behind her.

Frisk had lunch at Grillbys, though she did notice that he wasn't there, then she walked back home. When she knocked on the door, Sans teleported to her side instead of letting her in. "Sup." He said, looking at the bag in her hand, "Whats that?" Frisk looked at the bag in her hands, "Oh this?" She asked, "It's just a dress a got from Tsunderplane, she gave it to me as a birthday present!" Sans nodded, "Oh yeah, when we asked her if she could come today, she said that she had to finish the dresses that a client had ordered. It's nice that she gave you a gift though." Frisk smiled, "Yeah. So...can I come in?" Sans shook his head, "Sorry, no can do. Here, you can hang out in Papyrus's room for a bit until we finish decorating, it should only be about 15 minutes." Frisk thought for a moment, "I've never been in your room before, it's always locked." Sans scratched the back of his skull "Yeah, It's kind of messy, and you might get caught up in the tornado so..." Frisk nodded her head, "Yeah, I understand, I'd rather not get used up by a tornado on my birthday. I'll just read until you guys are ready, can you bring up my backpack?" Sans nodded and took her hand, "I'll bring it up in a second." He said before teleporting the two if them to Papyrus's room. Frisk sat on the bed until Sans returned a second later, holding a history book about humans and monsters that Frisk had taken out from the libraby, and her backpack. "Thanks." She said, before Sans teleported away once again. Frisk changed into the lavender dress that she had bought, and put her other clothes into the backpack that she carried all of her belongings in. Papyrus had a big mirror against the wall that he had insisted on installing after Frisk had complimented him, and now he admired himself every day. Frisk went of the mirror, and spun round. The dress was light, and fell just above her knees. It had short sleeves that were decorated with lace, and more lace at the bottom, and there was a light brown belt at the waist that made it look a bit less formal. She read for a bit until she heard a shout coming from downstairs "YOU CAN COME DOWN NOW HUMAN!" Papyrus yelled, "OKAY!" Frisk yelled back, putting her book back into her backpack and zipping it up. She opened the door to Papyrus's room, and walked down the stairs to see the room decorated in streamers and balloons. The usual lights were turned off, replaced by coloured ones in blue and pink, Frisk's two favourite colours. There was a big stereo beside the TV, and a buffet table in the dining room, not to mention a dart board that people were already playing with. When Frisk walked down he stairs, people cheered. "Happy Birthday Frisk, you're one year older but just as short!" Undyne said as she turned on the music "Now lets get this party started!" Frisk laughed at Undyne's comment about her being short, people sometimes teased her about it but she didn't mind. She went to join the other people who had started started dancing. Grillby started handing out snacks to anyone who wanted some, she met a flamboyant robot named Mettaton who called her a 'fabulous darling', and offered her a spot in his play, which she took a rain check on, and Napstablook played his awesome mixtape. In the centre of it all, Sans stood, staring at Frisk, who he thought looked absolutely beautiful with her hair brushed and the boots that she always wore going perfectly with her outfit. He thought that she looked like Cinderella, when he had first met her, her clothes were dirty and her face was scarred, but now she looked like a different person. They made eye contact, and Frisk smiled and walked toward the skeleton. "Hey!" She said happily, "This place looks amazing!" Sans smiled, "Yeah, so do you." Frisk began to blush a little, "Thanks, that's really nice of you."  They looked at each other for a moment, before Frisk brushed a piece of hair out of her face and cleared her throat. "Uh, I've been thinking a lot, and I wanted to tell you something." She said. Sans nodded, "So do I, do you want to..." Frisk felt Undyne grip her wrist, "C'mon lovebirds, break it up. Lets go play darts Frisk, you and Mattoon vs me!" Frisk smiled and let Undyne pull her away, "We can talk later" She said to Sans before she disappeared into the crowd. 

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