Chapter 11 Operation Cupid

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Papyrus put two bowls of spaghetti on the table for Sans and Frisk. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAVE SOME BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO!" He declared, "SO I WILL NOT BE JOINING YOU FOR BREAKFAST. TALK TO EACH OTHER, I TOTALLY WON'T BE LISTENING!" Papyrus walked off around the corner, and Frisk shook her head, "Oh Pap..." Frisk began to eat tiny bites of the spaghetti, practicing making the unfazed face that Sans had mastered. What the two didn't know was that Papyrus was listening to them talk from behind the corner. He had thought long and hard about Sans and Frisk, and he wanted Frisk to settle for second best since he had broken her heart. So he decided that she would end up with Sans, with his help if it was necessary. In other words, he was playing cupid. 

Halfway through Frisk's bowl of spaghetti, she shook her head. Sans chuckled and Took a flower out of the vase in the centre of the table. Frisk dumped all of her spaghetti out, and swallowed the last bit in her mouth. Sans did the same and he put the flower pot under the table "You did better than last time." He said with a smirk. Frisk went to the sink to wash out her mouth out, "Humph." Sans laughed and stood up, leaning against the wall. "So, Do you want to go to Grillby's for lunch?"He asked. Frisk spat out the water she had been swishing in her mouth and turned to Sans, "Sure, but don't you have work today?" Sans nodded, "Yeah, but I'm just in Waterfall, it's not far from here at all. We  can just meet there." Frisk smiled excitedly, "Okay, i've never been to Waterfall, so this will be nice." A moment later, Papyrus revealed himself to Frisk and Sans. "HELLO BROTHER AND HUMAN, I'M BACK!" Sans smiled and got up from his chair in the dining room, "Hey bro, There's still some spaghetti for you. I'm going to head out to work, see you guys later."  Sans grabbed his sweatshirt, but Frisk remembered the flowerpot, picked it up and strode towards Sans "Hey, you forgot about this, can you empty it out? The...dirt...wasn't good..." Sans nodded and Frisk handed it to Sans. Papyrus saw the perfect opportunity to put his plan into action. He stuck his leg out in between Sans and Frisk, and when she took another step towards Sans, she tripped. Sans reached out his arms and caught Frisk before she could fall, saving her and the flowerpot. "OH, I'M SORRY HUMAN, I'M A BIT CLUMSY TODAY." Papyrus said apologetically. Frisk stepped out of Sans's arms, blushing a bit, and handed him the flowerpot "I-It's okay Pappy. I'm going to go take a shower, bye Sans". He walked out the door and Frisk walked to the washroom, and Papyrus was left smiling to himself. 

It was 1:00 PM and Frisk walked through Waterfall (with Papyrus a few meters behind her, ready to start the next phase of his plan. Lets just say that he was pretty bored). She stared up at the glimmering crystals and the towering rocks, nowadays, the Underground felt more like a home. There were a few monsters watering around, but for the most part it was quiet, letting Frisk listen to the rushing water and her feet echoing against rocks. When she saw Sans, he finished talking to a monster, then waved to her. "Hey kid!" He said happily, "Do you like Waterfall?" Frisk nodded, "It's amazing." She looked at Sans, standing behind a counter beside a telescope,        "What are you doing here?" She asked him. "People pay gold to look through the telescopes." Sans said, "It gives them a better view of the crystals above us. If you want, you can look, its on me." Frisk smiled, and placed her eye on the telescope. She looked at the gems above her, and wanted to stare at them for a long time, but a minute later, she pulled herself away from the device. When she looked over at Sans, he covered his mouth, holding back a laugh. "What?" she asked him. "Nothing, really." Sans assured her. He started laughing, turning around so he would stop looking at Frisk. "What?" Frisk demanded. Sans turned, "You have ink all around your eye." Frisk balled her fist, "Really? What kind of a jerk would do that?" From behind a corner, Papyrus tried not to laugh, he had snuck ahead of Frisk and put ink on the telescope while Sans was napping. "Here." Sans said, taking a towel from behind the counter and dipping it into a nearby waterfall. He cupped one of his hands firmly on Frisk's cheek, and began to gently rub the ink away, while Frisk blushed as red as her soul. He laughed, "Why are you blushing?" Frisk looked down at her feet, "No reason, the waters just cold." When all of the ink was off of Frisk face, Sans let go of Frisk, and put the telescope behind the counter of his little stand, flipping over the sign at the front so it said closed. "Okay." Sans said, "We can go now if you want." "Sure." Frisk replied, before the two started walking back towards Snowdin, Papyrus close behind them.

"Do you want to take a shortcut?" Sans asked Frisk as they walked. She shook her head "If you want to, sure, but I'd rather look at Waterfall." Sans nodded "Okay, I guess it's not a very long walk." About halfway through the walk, rain started to pour from the rooftop of the cavern. "How does it rain in the Underground?" Sans shrugged, "Don't ask me, there may be an umbrella around here." Frisk and Sans looked around and saw a a bronze vase, holding an umbrella. Sans went to pick it up. "They have these all over waterfall, since it rains so much. You take an umbrella, and put it back when you exit Waterfall." Frisk nodded and smiled, "That's sweet. But theres only one." "So?" He asked. He put up the umbrella and stood beside Frisk, their shoulders touching. "It's a big umbrella." Frisk looked up at Sans, who despite being shorter than his brother, was still a bit taller than her. She tried not to blush again. "Thanks. If you really want to, we can just teleport since it's so rainy outside." Frisk offered. Sans shook his head, "No, Waterfall's even better in the rain." 

When they got back to Snowdin, it was still raining, but considerably less. Sans put away the umbrella in another bronze vase that was at the front of the cave that signified the start of Waterfall. "Here, we can teleport from here, since we're out of waterfall and we don't have an umbrella." "Alright" Frisk said in agreement, "You can teleport both of us?" Sans grabbed Frisk's hand, "Yeah, just don't let go of my hand." His eye turned blue, and Sans and Frisk levitated in the air, then a flash of blue and white surrounded Frisk for a split second, before she fell right outside the door to Grillby's Frisk caught her breath, something she had been holding the entire time they had teleported, and she let go of Sans's hand "Wow, that was cool!" She said, breathless. Sans looked at Frisk, his eye still blue, and winked.

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