Chapter 16 Words of Wisdom

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Frisk knocked on the door of Napstablook's little home. The two had met when Frisk was exploring, and after a bit of a fight, the two learned that they had a lot in common (no one got hurt though, a ghost can't hurt a human and a human can't hurt a ghost). "Come in." A dreary voice replied from the other side of the door. Frisk walked into the house, it only had one room, decorated with a desk, a computer, some records, a fridge and a bed. Napstablook was sitting at his computer, wearing his headphones. He turned to look at Frisk, and smiled a bit when he saw her. "Oh hey Frisk." he said, "I was just working on my mixtape, but I was about to take a break. What's up?" Frisk sighed and laid down on Napstablook's hardwood floor. "I just want to sit down and feel like garbage." Napstablook turned off his computer, and sat down next to Frisk. "I know the feeling." He said sadly, "Is something wrong?" Frisk nodded, looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah, It's just that a lot of people have been jumping to conclusions that aren't true about me and Sans, and when I try to set the record straight, he goes and does the opposite!" Napstablook thought for a moment, "Oh, I know what you're talking about. People think that you and Sans are dating, right?" Frisk nodded, "Yeah. How do you know that?" Napstablook stayed silent, he probably would have shrugged, but he didn't have any shoulders. "Word gets around, Papyrus told me. It was too far fetched for me to believe though, so I didn't come with him when he asked me to, and I also didn't really want to leave the house at such an early hour." Frisk smiled, knowing that at least someone knew the truth. "Okay, thanks for not going all crazy like Alphys and Undyne." Napstablook stood up, "No problem. Now get up and stop feeling like garbage!" He said encouragingly "You're more determined than I'll ever be, and I know that yo can sort this whole thing out! Think positively, has anything good happened to you?" Frisk stood up, "yeah, I just got a job at the arts store in the shopping centre, I guess that's pretty cool, but it can't lift my spirits." Napstablook nodded understandingly, "I get it. Before I met you and you introduced me to all of your friends, I was really lonely, but even though I'm trying to stay positive now, I can't really help you  all that much. You can stay here for the day, and if you want, you can sleep over. But now I have to get back to my mixtape, make yourself at home." Smiled smiled gratefully, "Thanks." She said, "I'll be out of here in the morning, now I just want to listen to some spooktunes."

Sans was in his room, laying on his bed. He could hear Undyne, Alphys and Papyrus talking, probably about him or Frisk. He didn't know why he had lied, it was stupid, but he didn't want his brother to be disappointed, or his friends to be mad that Papyrus had made them come so early in the morning just to be let down. He hadn't said that he and Frisk were together, but saying that they were complicated was just as bad. But he was more worried for Frisk than he was for himself, he knew that she was mad and that she needed space. He swore to himself that he would talk to her and say sorry the moment he saw her next, whenever that was...

Sans spent the rest of the day not really doing anything. He went out to Grillby's for lunch, then stopped by some shops to ask if anyone knew where Frisk had gone. The shopkeeper of the arts store said that Frisk had stopped by before the store had opened, and that she had given her the job that she had applied for, but she didn't know where she was now. That's good Sans thought, if Frisk stays away from the house for a few days, at least I'll be able to find her here. Then he checked Waterfall, the Snowdin Inn, and Napstablook's house. when he knocked on the door, there was no answer, but he could hear music coming from inside. He must be working on his mixtape, I won't bother him Sans thought before teleporting home. If Frisk had gone to such lengths to hide, he was going to give her time to herself.

Hours passed, and Frisk was still at Napstablook's house. She had gone with Napstablook to race snails, but she encouraged her snail too much and now she felt bad. Earlier in the day, she had gone to a quiet spot in Waterfall, but she was back by nightfall. She knew that Sans had been looking for her, she had heard a knock on the door at around lunch time, and Napstablook had said that he wasn't expecting any visitors, so Frisk stayed silent until the knocking stopped. Now, Frisk was on the floor, with a thin blanket and a pillow, listening to the sounds of the waterfall outside and Napstablook's snoring. Napstablook had given her advice, he was surprisingly wise when it came to emotions, and the fact that he had said that she had enough determination to sort out the problem at hand made Frisk feel a bit better. She closed her eyes, thinking about happy things until she drifted off to sleep.

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