Chapter 18 Tales of Lost Loves

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Papyrus opened the door to the house, and smiled when he saw Sans and Frisk cuddled up on the couch. "HELLO BROTHER AND HUMAN!" He said, "I KNEW THAT YOU TWO WERE DATING ALL ALONG, AND NOW I KNOW THAT IT IS TRUE THANKS TO SANS!" Frisk bit her lip a little, but nodded. "Yeah Papyrus, you were right...Hey, I almost forgot, I left a note in your room, it's kind of important so you should go and read it." Papyrus nodded, "OKAY HUMAN!" He trotted up the stairs, and when Papyrus was out of sight, Frisk scooted away from Sans a bit, but he kept his arm around her. "Are you sure that you're okay with this?" Sans asked quietly. Frisk smiled a bit, "Yeah, you and your brother have done a lot for me, the least that I can do is help keep you keep your brother happy for a few days. And once I start getting my pay checks from work, I can finally start pulling my weight!" Sans smiled back, "Okay, you have been pulling your weight, but thanks. You aren't working on your birthday though, right?" Frisk shook her head, "No, I actually start the day after I turn eighteen." she replied. Frisk heard Papyrus open the door of his room, and she scooted closer to Sans once again. Papyrus returned to the living room, "I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU WANT YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO NOT BE VERY PUBLIC." Papyrus announced, "SO I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL TRY NOT TO MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT YOU AND MY BROTHER BEING SUCH AN ADORABLE COUPLE!" Sans laughed wholeheartedly and smiled at his brother. "Thanks Pap, I'm glad that you understand, I just think that Frisk and I should be together for a while before we go around telling everyone about us." Sans pressed his teeth onto Frisk's forehead, his version of a kiss since he didn't have any lips. Frisk blushed bright red, and Sans laughed and smiled at her. The human marvelled at how good of an actor Sans was, his smile never faltered and his voice never wavered. "AWW!" Papyrus said, "I'M GOING TO GO BEFORE I HAVE THE URGE TO TELL UNDYNE AND ALPHYS ALL ABOUT THIS!" Papyrus handed Frisk the note that she had written and ran upstairs, closing his door behind him. Frisk looked over at Sans, "What was that about?" She asked, trying to force herself to stop blushing. Sans winked and smiled at Frisk, "It's called acting. And besides, you know that you liked it girlfriend." Frisk took a pillow from the couch and threw it at Sans, "shut up!" She said. Sans laughed and threw the pillow back at Frisk, and in no time they had started a full fledged pillow fight. They laughed and threw pillows until they were too worn out to continue, and they sprawled out on the floor, craning their necks to watch TV.

The next day, Frisk woke up at noon. She had been up way too late reading every page of the employee handbook she had been given, and then sewing her name into the light blue polo shirt she had purchased as part of her uniform. She got up, went into the washroom to change, then went to the kitchen. She was surprised to see Undyne, Sans, Papyrus, Alphys, Napstablook and Grillby sitting at the dining room table, writing down things on sheets of paper. "Uh, hi?" Frisk said, "What's going on here?" Sans smiled and motioned to the empty seat beside him. "Sup Frisk, we were just discussing the plans for your party. Did you think that I had forgotten about that?" Frisk shook her head, "N-no, but I just thought that it would't need planning. I just assumed that we would all get together and eat pizza or something." Frisk admitted. Undyne laughed, "No way we're letting that happen. Your eighteenth birthday is the most important birthday of your life, it has to be special!" "Yeah!" Napstablook added, "When I turn eighteen, I want to have a big party...if people will come." Napstablook looked sadly at the floor, and Papyrus rubbed the air where the ghosts shoulder would have been. "OF COURSE WE WOULD COME NAPSTABLOOK!" Sans laughed and turned to Frisk, "Anyways, we have everything set up, it's going to be a little bit of a surprise, but I will tell you that it's going to be here at the house and it's going to be giant!" Undyne nodded, "Yeah, I'm going to send an invite to everyone you know so they'll force if necessary" She said, mumbling the last part. "I-I'll be getting decorations!" Alphys added, "I know the perfect combination of colours and floral arrangements to make for an ideal night." "I'll bring food" Grillby replied in his short, blunt manner of speaking. "I'LL MAKE SURE THE HOUSE IS READY FOR THE PARTY, AND MAKE SPAGHETTI OF COUSE!" Papyrus said cheerfully. "I'll provide the music" Napstablook said. "And I'll supervise" Sans finished, using the word 'supervise' as a nice saying of saying 'lying on the couch and not doing anything'. Frisk shifted in her seat, "Are you sure that you want to go through all of that trouble? I don't really mind not having a party." "You h-have to have a party!" Alphys said, "Why are you s-so opposed to it?" Frisk looked down at her feet, "Well, I never really had parties growing up, I'm used to doing my own thing." The group leaned closer to Frisk, "Go on" Grillby urged. Frisk sighed, "I-I'm an orphan" She began, "When I was born, my parents didn't have that much money, but the love that we had was worth more than all of the money or gold in the world. But my mother died of cancer when I was six, and my dad became so depressed that he would get drunk every night, and one day, a few weeks after I had turned seven, my dad had gotten fired from his job. He went out all day, drinking at a cheap pub, and when he was driving home, his car crashed and he died." Frisk began to choke on her words a bit as she spoke. "I didn't have any relatives, so I was put into foster care, and I was sent to place after place, always being forgotten and eventually left behind because a family got tired of me. I-I had loved my family so much, but it had fallen apart, my whole w-world torn to bits, every that I had l-loved was gone. I didn't think anyone would miss me if I was gone, so I climbed up Mount Ebott and ended up falling down here." A lonely tear fell down Frisk's face, and she swiped it away with her sleeve before it could travel down her cheek. Sans looked at Frisk, he had always seen a cheery, determined, happy-go-lucky girl, but now he saw a girl who had lost her family and had been put in an awful position, yet still managed to stay strong. Now Sans realized why she chose to stay in the Underground instead of trying to get back to the surface, she had nothing to go back to. "Frisk, don't cry." Sans said, cupping Frisk's face with his hands. He wasn't acting or putting on a show for his friends. Frisk smiled up at Sans, "I'm not crying because I miss my parents." she said reassuringly, "I'm crying because I know that if they're watching me right now, they'll be happy that I'm with people that I can call my family." Sans smiled at Frisk, and they looked at each other for a few moments, before Papyrus scooped Frisk up an gave her a bear hug. "THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL HUMAN!" He said, "AND SINCE YOU HAVEN'T HAD VERY ANY BIRTHDAY PARTIES, THIS ONE NEEDS TO BE AS GOOD AS 17 PARTIES COMBINED!" Everyone at the table cheered, and Frisk went around, giving everyone a hug. "This means a lot to me" She said warmly, "As sappy as it is, you guys really are my family."

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