Chapter 7 Saviour

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There weren't many places for Frisk to go to clear her head. It had been three days since she had kissed Sans under that mistletoe, and Papyrus wouldn't stop talking about it. But she couldn't stay at someone else's house for a night, or go anywhere else outside the town, there was Snowdin, and then there was the unknown. So she decided to go out for a walk instead. As much as she loved Papyrus, she needed to get away from his chatter. She had to clear her head, she had been in the Underground for nearly a month and she hadn't had very much alone time. So she stepped out into the crisp night and set off. The cavelike ceiling of the town didn't provide any light, so the street lamps were her only way to see, so she stuck to the sidewalks. She hadn't expected it to be so cold, so she gripped the amulet that Sans had given her, and it warmed her hands and glowed in the darkness. As she was walking, she noticed a shadowy figure walking in the same direction as her. A first she didn't mind, the street was the only place that was lit up, so of course someone else would be walking on it. But after a while, she began to get worried. She walked down winding streets, making a large loop and returning to where she had started, and still the figure followed her. So she ran, her instincts taking over, she ran as fast as she could down the streets, turning corners to try an lose the monster that seemed to be following her. Eventually, the adrenaline she had died, and she leaned against a store wall to catch her breath. As she rested for a minute, she looked around, she was at the end of a dead end, the dim lights casting shadows on the side of the store and on the ground. There was a little dumpster and heaps of snow, and...a pair of glowing green eyes. Frisk screamed as a tall monster sprung at her, its green eyes shining menacingly. "What's a human doing out here so late at night?" The monster sneered. Frisk backed away from the monster, but it followed her until she had her back against the dead end's wall. "That's a nice looking necklace you've got there." He said. Frisk had decided that the monster was a male, judging by it's low raspy voice. "It could be worth a lot." He commented. Frisk shook her head, "I-I'm sorry, but, I-I can't give it to you. The monster snickered and flashed his sharp teeth, "I'm not asking again. Give me the necklace, or maybe you'd rather give me your soul." Frisk didn't know what else to do, so she took off her necklace with shaking hands, and gave it to the monster. He smiled at her in an unsettling way. "Good, I'm glad you cooperated. Now, I can't have you talking anyone that this happened..." In an instant, the monster had picked Frisk up and flung her against the wall. She screamed and curled into a ball. The monster bounded up to her, "It's nothing personal sweetheart, It's just business." He threw his arm up into the air, preparing to bring it down on her, when Frisk saw a glowing blue light and a familiar voice. "Not on my watch!" The voice said. Frisk slowly turned her head and saw Sans standing in the alley, the smile he always wore looked frightening. The monster snickered once again, "What are you going to do to me huh? You're a runt!" Sans's smile grew wider as of of his pinpricks glowed bright blue, and he floated in the air a few inches, a blue aura now surrounding him. "You're about to have a bad time." He said in an impossibly low voice. The monster smiled and tossed the amulet into the snow beside him, and sprinted at Sans. he just stood there with his hands in his pockets, until he was a second away from him. Then, he threw his hand to the side, and the monster got devoured by a blue light, following Sans's hand and ramming into the wall. It was like he was paralyzed. Sans moved his hand, he was thrown around the alley until he was curled up in a ball, looking a lot like Frisk. Sans stood over the monster, preparing an attack, when Frisk called out to him with the last of her strength. "Don't hurt him anymore, show him mercy." With that, Frisk closed her eyes and he head fell back onto the snow. Sans rushed to grab the amulet from the snow and picked her up in his arms. He had the ability to teleport, which was how he had gotten to Frisk so fast in the first place, but Frisk was too weak to do that, so he ran as fast as he could back home. He could hear her slow, heavy breathing, and he could feel tiny wisps of her hair going in and out of the gaps in between his hand bones, but he didn't think about that, he thought about getting home as fast as possible. He knew that this would happen to her eventually, but he hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

Sans put Frisk down on the couch, examining her wounds. She hadn't broken anything by the looks of it, maybe sprained some things at worst, but she was scratched up on the side of her body where she had hit the wall. Papyrus had heard Sans come in, and he asked into the room, immediately gasping when he saw Frisk on the couch. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HUMAN?" He asked. Sans turned to look at him, "I'll tell you soon, just get me the emergency kit." Papyrus nodded and rushed into the bathroom to get the kit, and soon later, Sans began to wrap up her wounds. He pressed ice on her back and sat beside her until her eyes fluttered open. "W-what happened? Was I dreaming?" She said groggily. She tried to sit up, but immediately fell back down. Sans laughed sadly, "It's not a big deal, just go to sleep." Frisk nodded drowsily, and fell into a restless sleep, filled with dreams about amulets and glowing eyes.

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